As a nation, our hearts are breaking. The unimaginable has happened and we are all reeling from the shocking terror of recent weeks. There are no words to express the pain in our hearts - individually and collectively.
Therefore, we have launched this campaign to unite the Jewish people behind our soldiers, the survivors of the tragedy, and all of Israel FOR NOW AND THE FUTURE with the message, “One Nation, One Heart” or ”עם אחד בלב אחד.”
It is a message of unity, resilience, strength and hope following what happened to the Jewish nation on October 7th - and to proudly say that we, the Jewish people, as always, will prevail B’H!!
All donations will go straight to buying and providing dri-fit shirts, a basic necessity for our soldiers, for them to wear under their uniforms; neck-warmers to keep our soldiers warm during the winter; unity banners to be placed throughout Israel; special prayer and Tehillim booklets to be distributed in communities worldwide and more. Each of these items carry this inspiring message of pride and unity. We have partnered with various organizations that distribute needed supplies to our soldiers as well as to as many people in Israel as possible to wear and display as an unequivocal show of solidarity!
What we need now, more than ever, is to lift our heads and hearts amidst this darkness, mourn together with the victims and move forward so that we win this war together. Please join us now in this important initiative.
Am Yisrael Chai!
Take part in one or more of the following ways:
1. Sponsor high quality dri-fit t-shirts for Israeli soldiers and citizens of Israel, via the Donate Now button above.
2. Sponsor banners to be placed at intersections throughout Israel, via the Donate Now button above. $45/NIS 180 per banner
3. Order shirts, neck-warmers, prayer booklets and/or banners for your community- send an email to
4. Buy T-shirts for yourself and your family/friends/school/community
- send an email to
5. Become an Ambassador for our Campaign, to take a wider role in areas of interest and expertise- send an email to
Organisations we are working with so far:
- Gav Halochem
- Lev Echad
- Shir Hadash
- Congregation Shevet Achim of Cincinnati
- The "Chamal Hayerushalmi"/ Citizen War Room of Jerusalem
- Chabad of Katamon
- King David Stables
- Pack For Camp
- The Jewish Federation Of Charlotte, NC
- Mizrachi SA
- Orange Town Jewish Center
- NU Campaign
🇮🇱 Follow the campaign on Facebook:
Shirt design by Arielle Kwestel