Campaign main image

Smiles for the Kids and Israel

Raised {{PageData.CurrentCurrencySignForCurrentPage}}{{PageData.TotalRaisedForCurrentPageToString}}
Raised {{PageData.CurrentCurrencySignForCurrentPage}}{{PageData.TotalRaisedForCurrentPageToString}}

Bring happiness and comfort to soldiers, their families, and evacuees.

The Ari Fuld Project
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Join our {{TeamMembers.list.length}} ambassadors by creating your own campaign in only a few clicks. Set your goal, write your message or upload your video, and spread the word about our important campaign!

Smiles for Israel is a grassroots initiative that aims to bring happiness and comfort to soldiers, their families, and evacuees impacted by hardship due to the ongoing conflict in Israel. We create events and smiles for those in need and serve as a non-profit event company, creating volunteer opportunities for individuals, families, and organizations in Israel and abroad.


  • {{feed.creation_date}}

Thank you to our {{Donors.donorCount}} donors

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{{donor.currency}}{{ManipulateAmount(donor)}} /month
{{}} - {{}} ({{}})
{{donor.currency}}{{ManipulateAmount(donor)}} /month