Hosting and Caring for Soldiers on Israel's Northern Front

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Supporting Our Soldiers While They Give Everything To Protect Eretz Yisrael

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Maim Haim Chesed Projects for IsraelGives Foundation
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Israel is at war!  While many of our troops wage a fierce battle in Gaza in the South, there are tens of thousands of soldiers stationed on our Northern Border protecting against attacks from the Iranian backed Hezbollah terrorist group, who have made hundreds of attacks on Israel’s Northern Border.  These soldiers have left their homes, their families, and their jobs so that they can carry out this critical mission to protect Eretz Yisrael.  

At the Maim Haim Chesed Project we are doing everything possible to take care of these soldiers by providing them with comfortable accommodations, hot showers, delicious and nutritious food, and spiritual support!  Please join us in caring for our soldiers, to give them the support they need to carry out their holy missions! 

Our Soldiers are working long hours in challenging conditions, in the field and in the bases, with limited accommodations that are overcrowded from thousands of reservists who have been called up to duty.  Let’s come together to support these Holy Soldiers so that they can have a beautiful place to rest and recharge, with a nice bed, a hot shower and a good meal.  

Your generous donations will provide:

  • Comfortable beds for the Soldiers in Bed and Breakfasts in Tzfat
  • Healthy Nutritious meals - two hot meals a day and plenty of snacks
  • Personal Supplies for the soldiers - laundry services, new socks and underwear, toothbrushes and toothpaste
  • Spiritual Support - Hosting Torah classes for the soldiers and providing Tefilin to wrap and candles to light for Shabbos.

**In addition, your donations will help support local businesses who have lost their livelihood due to the war - a double mitzvah!!**

We have already been hosting up to 12 soldiers a night for over a month, and are currently hosting 20+ soldiers per night.  As the conflict on the Northern Front intensifies, we are receiving more and more requests!  We urgently need your support to expand our hosting, so that we can support our soldiers who are giving everything to protect us!

To Continue to Host 10-20 Soldiers per night throught the end of December, we need a budget of $26,000.  To Double our Hosting Capacity, we need a Budget of $52,000. With your generous support we can care for every Soldier who needs a comfortable place to rest and recharge, so that they can have everything they need to carry out their critical missions!

Together, with Hashem's Help, We Will Win!  Please Give Generously in this Time of Urgent Need.

(Click on the image to view a video clip of Rav Eliyahu, Chief Rabbi of Tzfat, giving his blessing for the Maim Haim Chesed Project: Hosting Soldiers Campaign)

Donation Options:

1 soldier for 1 night = $72

3 Soldiers for 1 night = $180

1 Soldier for 1 week = $410

4 Soldiers 1 week = $1800

8 Soldiers 1 week = $3600

16 Soldiers 1 week = $7200


How it Works?

Soldiers serving on the Northern Front contact us when they are going on leave from their activities, we find the soldiers a comfortable room at a local Guest House or BnB which is currently empty due to the war.  We maintain a central space where the Soldiers can relax, enjoy hot meals twice a day, in addition to abundant snacks, tea and coffee.  We also organize activities like barbecues and torah classes to help the soldiers recharge physically and spiritually.  After a good rest, a hot shower, and some nice meals, the soldiers can return to their critical missions refreshed and renewed, and ready to give it their all!


Making a Real Difference in the Battle

Five soldiers in a special unit accepted Arie's invite for a shabbos full of TLC  Motzei Shabos they returned to base.  After a full night's work identifying Hezbollah Terrorist targets (12! - way above their average), their commander asked how they were so successful?

"Oh, we were well rested and fed, that must be it!"


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