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Citizen for Citizens: Urgent aid direct to the people 💙 DONE!

Raised {{PageData.CurrentCurrencySignForCurrentPage}}{{PageData.TotalRaisedForCurrentPageToString}}
Raised {{PageData.CurrentCurrencySignForCurrentPage}}{{PageData.TotalRaisedForCurrentPageToString}}

The people of Israel are suffering unimaginable pain, war, and loss. In response to calls from our global community, we've opened a platform for aiding Israel's citizens during these unsettling times.💛

Campaign complete
Citizen Café TLV for IsraelGives Foundation
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Thank you for your kind donations, the campaign is closed and the money that was doated will be used for people in need ❤️


Citizen for Citizens - Support Israel in Times of Crisis

In the face of a crisis that has touched every corner of our nation, Israel is fighting battles on all fronts, and the losses endured are beyond words. Lives have been upended, families torn apart, and accessing basic necessities has become a struggle for many.

💙 **Supporting Israel in Times of Crisis** 💙

Citizen for Citizens is our rapid response initiative, designed to step in when people need help ASAP. Our goal is to be there before anyone feels lost in the overwhelming chaos, desperately reaching out for assistance.

We aim to reach people in their moments of need, from families evacuated from their homes, people’s houses who have been reduced to ashes, mothers left alone while their partner is off to war and many others who are struggling to cope with the challenges of daily life. It's a time when the strength of a community truly matters. Our mission is vast, and our commitment is unwavering. 

But, for all this, we need you!

Amidst numerous initiatives and kind-hearted efforts, it's natural to wonder where to place your trust. We assure you that our project is 100% trustworthy. Every donation received will be swiftly delivered to private citizens, addressing their specific needs on-site.

Our Citizen Café global network is a powerful community that we know can make a significant impact on the lives of those grappling with the current crisis. 🙏❤️

What We Will Do?

We are establishing a dedicated center for coordinating the most urgent needs. Our entire team is united by a shared mission to address the often-overlooked stories that fall through the cracks. We will be actively collecting information about people in need at various locations, rapidly delivering what they need! 

Citizen for Citizens is not just a slogan; it's a promise we take seriously. The people of Israel are coming together in this crisis, and we urgently need your support to keep our assistance efforts going strong. Join us in making an immediate, positive impact!

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Thank you to our {{Donors.donorCount}} donors

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