My name is Simeon/Shmuel Ratner and I have been involved with Israel efforts since I started the first collection for Israel in New Jersey on Monday morning, October 9th. After getting invited by the Tzanchanim in December to observe a drone mission on the northern border I decided to commit my efforts for the most part to getting units the drones they needed. Since then I have sent dozens and dozens of drones plus drone equipment to multiple units with more on the way.
For the past few months I have been a campaign manager at The Ari Fuld Project, an amazing organization that has helped me facilitate my efforts to get this critically needed equipment.
During my most recent trip to Israel, I visited many units, however, I have decided to focus my most recent efforts on the following units (though not to the exclusion of others, when needed):
Sayeret Charuv
Battalion 82 of the 7th armored Brigade
Additional Units
I have been working with these units to not only supply them with drones but also to help them understand the differences between the many drones on the market to tailor their drone request list based upon their mission’s need.
These units are of the opinion that in many ways, drones are now just as if not more important than their guns in certain situations.
Furthermore, the drones allow the units to inspect buildings, tunnels and other areas uncovering potential ambushes, booby traps and other dangers. Drones have saved many lives in this war and continue to do so on a daily basis.
Please help me support the drone needs of these units so they can perform their missions in a safer and more efficient manner.
For further details please feel free to reach out to me at:
Cell: 917-273-6071