Sew to Protect: Aiding IDF Soldiers

Raised {{PageData.CurrentCurrencySignForCurrentPage}}{{PageData.TotalRaisedForCurrentPageToString}}
Raised {{PageData.CurrentCurrencySignForCurrentPage}}{{PageData.TotalRaisedForCurrentPageToString}}

We need your help!! As we all know, after the last few days there is a need of tactical gear around Israeli combat units that are defending and fighting all over our borders. We are a group of 300 ex-special forces and civilians with design and manufacturing capabilities of tactical gear. At the moment we operate many field stations around Israel and working non -top, fixing and producing combat soldiers' gear. We need your help with buying sewing machines, the materials, equipment and more to keep doing our best - helping our soldiers to protect our country.

Campaign complete
noam gutman for IsraelGives Foundation
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Reaching Out To All Our Friends Abroad

We are a group of ex special forces tactical and combat gear developers from all over Israel..

We organized workshops in bases around the country to help make and fix our combat soldiers gear based on their need while they are fighting and defending our country.

With more than 300 volunteers, we made over than 15,000 units of tactical gear.

We spend more than 10,000$ a day on the material necessary for the production.

Your donation will help us help the next unit!


If you have any question, Please reach out-

Oren Weintraub

Available at-

 Israeli phone number & Whatsapp-

+ 972 52 6515231



The gear that we are missing and will be bought with your donation-


Products: gun pouches, cartridge pouches and more..

Materials: threads, fabrics, clips, rubber straps and more

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Thank you to our {{Donors.donorCount}} donors

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