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Even after a whole year of fighting, we continue the effort in the Ukrainian war zone - there are still people that need humanitarian aid, rescue, and finding a suitable place for their accessible everyday needs

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Access Israel
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For the past year, the Israeli NGO "Access Israel" are engaged in
The "Purple Vest Mission" to provide any and all solutions to the desperate needs of evacuation from the war-zone for people with disabilities and the elderly, to a place of safety In this dire hour of need.


\\\\'Access Israel\\\\' brings to the front line the needs of these sections
of the population, and also provides professional seminars
on "Accessibility rescue" for other volunteers, organizations
and official sections of government, to make sure all the needs
of people with disabilities and elderly are brought into account
in assessing and facing the harsh war zone conditions in Ukraine.

We\\\\'ve also given a pinpoint assistant to individual requests from people with disabilities and the elderly that reached out to us from within the war zone, either to assist with accessible extraction, medical and humanitarian Aid

\\\\'Access Israel\\\\' are working around the clock with local and international forces to put in place a mediating mechanism for accessible rescue and extraction for all regions affected by the war for people with disabilities and the elderly.

During this year, we have managed to relocate more than
4,000 people with disabilities and the elderly,
and more than 9,000 people have received humanitarian aid from us.

All this was done thanks to donations from people like you.

Unfortunately even after A Whole Year of Fighting there are still people who are in need of special rescue, humanitarian and Medical Aid,
and finding a place suitable to their specific disability and needs
which also deals with the harsh winter conditions in these past months in the country of Ukraine in northern Europe

Get involved! - donate to the "Purple Vest Mission " project and save lives!


* All funds go to support the “Purple Vest Mission” activities
to promote and facilitate accessible rescue of Ukrainian people.*


\\\\'Access Israel\\\\' NGO works in full transparency
with all regulatory and international governmental approval required.

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Thank you to our {{Donors.donorCount}} donors

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