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Help save lives in the north of Israel

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Our Emergency team and first responders unit need essential equipment to protect our home

Kibbutz Gonen for IsraelGives Foundation
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Dear friends

The horrible massacre in the the Gaza envelope on October7th, and the war that was forced upon us in Israel from North and South, put our kibbutz and our first responders team in full alert.

Hoping for the best and preparing for the worst.

Our Kibutz is situated 10 km from the Hezbollah controled border with Lebanon.

At this point, any day the northern front can open up and we are preparing together with the army for multiple scenarios.

Understandably, the effort of both the government and army are focused on the soldiers in Gaza and the first line of defense.

Kibbutzim like ours are second priority and we are not getting what we need.

After seeing the horrific sites from the Hamas attack, we feel a need to be prepared.

 Hezbollah is far more capable and unfortunately, they have much bigger abilities.

Please help us be prepared.

We have people on the ground ready to respond, let's provide them with what they need.

Ceramic vests are essential.

Proper Scopes for our weapons will make the difference.

Portable concrete safe rooms near the homes of our elderly who can't run will save lives.

And more.

Any help will be deeply appreciated.

Am Israel Chai


Commander of the Gonen first responders team - Yaal Levi

Chairman of the Gonen emergency team - Almog Gross

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Thank you to our {{Donors.donorCount}} donors

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