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Please Help The Terror Victims of Moshav Ein Habesor

Raised {{PageData.CurrentCurrencySignForCurrentPage}}{{PageData.TotalRaisedForCurrentPageToString}}
Raised {{PageData.CurrentCurrencySignForCurrentPage}}{{PageData.TotalRaisedForCurrentPageToString}}

Moshav Ein Habesor in Israel underwent a horrific terror attack in the early morning hours of October 7th, 2023. Now, they need your help.

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Moshav Ein Habesor for The IsraelGives Foundation
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Donation to Moshav Ein Habesor
(for tax-deductable bank transfers, read the 'Donation' paragraph)
On Saturday October 7th the residents of the Israeli communities along the border with Gaza were viciously attacked by barbaric Hamas terrorists. Some of the victims were slaughtered in their homes. Some were kidnapped and are still missing. The survivors have lost everything. All their possessions were looted or destroyed.
Eshkol Regional Council suffered a terrible shock and an indigestible loss. Nowdays the residents who remained to protect home are still on the fences in military operations .
The War Room and the Emergency squad of Ein Habsor work non-stop to provide an answer to the residents in the entire council community.
You can help us rebuild. Your support will make a significant difference to our communities’ recovery.
We need all possible help to finance security equipment and raise emergency infrastructure and protection for the residents.
You can help us rebuild the area. Our region, the Eshkol Regional Council, is a major agriculture production area of the State of Israel. It must continue to exist. With the help of the donations, the council will stand up and grow again and prosper socially again.


Credit cards -
Donations can be transferred with all credit cards (except American Express) by clicking on the 'Donate Now' button. A receipt will be sent to your email after completing that transaction.
Please note - you can choose the payment currency and the percentage of the tip for the website operation.

Tax deductable bank transfers -
For tax-deductable bank transfers, please press here.
When you donate, be sure to mark in the "notes" of the wire the Moshav name.
You can also email us at to let us know to which Moshav you'd like to allocate the donation.
For additional instructions, click here.

Direct bank transfers -
International bank transfers can be made directly to the Moshav's bank account, however, a receipt will not be sent for tax-deductable purposes:
Moshav Ein Habesor
Bank Hapoalim B.M (12)
Branch 633
Account: 602213
IBAN IL350126330000000602213


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Thank you to our {{Donors.donorCount}} donors

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