Looking the occupation in the eye

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Raised {{PageData.CurrentCurrencySignForCurrentPage}}{{PageData.TotalRaisedForCurrentPageToString}}

8 months into a bloody war rooted in occupation, Israel is paralyzed in the north and the south, hostages are still held in the Gaza Strip, soldiers are killed there daily, and hundreds of thousands of Palestinians are facing horrific conditions. The West Bank is aflame and on the verge of explosion. The West Bank shepherd communities, those not yet expelled, are in dire distress more than ever, threatened by settlers who are backed up by Israel’s security forces. All of these (and more) are the result of the failing Israeli strategy towards the occupation. Activists of “Looking the Occupation in the Eye” are constantly active in the West Bank to defend Palestinian shepherds and hold protests on the ground. Lately we have begun constant presence in a beautiful compound allocated to us at Ras Al Ein, in the southern Palestinian Jordan Valley, from where we are summoned anywhere in the area. At all hours. We need to nurture the place in order for our activists to be there day and night. We hold home meetings and meet pre-military classes and speak there and on social media about the goings-on, which Israeli mainstream media cares to conceal. Every week we protest throughout Israel, making present the Israeli occupation and our opposing the war. We try to convince the public that aspiring towards a political solution must head Israel’s agenda. Everything we do is completely voluntary, and we wish to persist. In order to do this, we need your participation, as well as money for banners, stickers and flyers, activity in the West Bank and more. Please donate as much as you can.

Campaign created by: Looking the Occupation in the eye
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Looking the Occupation in the Eye. 

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Thank you to our {{Donors.donorCount}} donors

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