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Emergency Response Activity - Physicians for Human Rights Israel, October 2023

Raised {{PageData.CurrentCurrencySignForCurrentPage}}{{PageData.TotalRaisedForCurrentPageToString}}
Raised {{PageData.CurrentCurrencySignForCurrentPage}}{{PageData.TotalRaisedForCurrentPageToString}}

Support for PHRI's emergency aid and our continued fight for human rights for all in Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank.

Campaign complete
Physicians for Human Rights Israel
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This emergency campaign has ended,
but you can support our ongoing work here. Thank you.




Since October 7th, Physicians for Human Rights Israel's (PHRI) staff and volunteers have been working around the clock to respond to multiple urgent needs from various communities, on top of continuing our regular activities to the extent possible. Below are some of our many emergency response activities thanks to donations from supporters around the world:

  • Direct medical aid to communities evacuated from the Gaza envelope. We provided urgent medical care to some of the thousands of Israelis who were evacuated from their homes in the Gaza Envelope as well as Thai work migrants who also had to flee Israel's South. Our physicians and nurses are providing medical care and emotional support, and we are delivering medicine, medical equipment, and hygiene kits as needed.

  • We are demanding the establishment of a full humanitarian corridor into Gaza. We are in touch with counterparts in the international community, calling on all parties to respect human rights and international law by, among else, releasing the civilian captives held by Hamas, calling for the protection of medical facilities in Gaza from attack, and demanding that humanitarian aid be allowed in the strip.

  • Relatedly, we are preparing a large medication and medical equipment delivery to the Gaza Strip. We are following with enormous concern the severe assault on Gaza and are sounding the alarm in relation to the illegality and immorality of deliberately harming innocent civilians. We also continuously collect information from Gazan hospitals to document evacuation orders and attacks against medical facilities and personnel.

  • We scaled up our Mobile Clinic activities in the West Bank to visit secluded communities, despite the heavy movement restrictions and the growing rate of brutal incidents of settler violence and attack by security forces. For example, in the past week, we have visited the villages of Tamoun and Qusra, and we are preparing two mobile clinic visits for next week to Huwara and the Jenin area.

  • We are joining a legal petition led by our partner ACRI, calling for the immediate provision of shelters in unrecognized Bedouin villages in the Negev. We are also in close daily contact with the Ministry of Health and civil society organizations in Israel's South to assess the most urgent needs and take an active part in designing the response plans for the population of the South.

You can find more information on our fast-evolving response activities on
Twitter and Facebook.

In addition to our emergency response work, our regular activities continue: our Open Clinic for Status-less individuals in Jaffa continues to operate and support the asylum-seeking community. We continue to follow the situation in Israel's prisons closely and remain in contact with Palestinian patients. Thank you for supporting us while we remain committed to upholding human rights for all in Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank.

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Thank you to our {{Donors.donorCount}} donors

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