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Become a Member of the Global Network for Jewish Women Entrepreneurs & Leaders!

Join our Sisterhood to connect with like minded Jewish Women Entrepreneurs & Leaders from all around the world to create lifelong friendships, expand your network on a global level and get more exposure and visibility for your business!

The Eckstein Fund
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Join our {{TeamMembers.list.length}} ambassadors by creating your own campaign in only a few clicks. Set your goal, write your message or upload your video, and spread the word about our important campaign!

We have 2 Memberships - Regular Membership & Premium Leadership 


Here is what you get with the Regular Membership:

  • Monthly Networking Global Meetups and Local Chapters Meetups

    • Access to the Members’ Directory 

    • No need to register for each Meetup

    • One minute to present your business (Guests receive only 30 sec)

    • Ability to choose who to network with in small groups in the breakout rooms 

    • Whatsapp group with your Local Chapter 


Here is what you get with the Premium Membership:

You will get all of the above as well as an Exposure Package including 

  • An In Depth Presentation in one of the Meetups 

  • A Highlight in our Newsletter

  • An interview in the Jewish Women Entrepreneurs Podcast 


What are the conditions to become a Member? 

  • You must be a jewish woman entrepreneur with already paying clients 

  • Or a leader of organization or a non profit

  • You must have a global business or wanting to grow on a global level 

  • The Membership is a commitment for a year


What is the Membership price?

  • For the Regular Membership

    • In installments - 136 nis per month for a year

    • In full - 1,452 nis for the year (you get one month free when you pay in full) 

  • For the Premium Membership

    • In installments - 198 nis per month for a year 

    • In full -  2,180 nis for the year (you get one month free when you pay in full) 


All Members will also have special discounts for 

  • The Quarterly Retreats 

  • The Global Leadership Conference 

  • The Leadership Week in Israel 

  • All the other Services that the Global Network will offer


What happens once you make your donation to become a Member?

  • As soon as you make your donation, you will receive a tax deductible receipt by email. 

  • You will receive a Confirmation Email with your Membership information and an invitation to our upcoming Monthly Networking Meetup 


How can you be in touch if you have a question?

You can write to if you have any questions

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Thank you to our {{Donors.donorCount}} donors

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