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Fundraising for Housing, Food and Critical Needs for Refugees and Survivors of the Hamas and Hezbollah Attacks in Southern and Northern Israel

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Request for Assistance, October 2023

Campaign complete
Metzoke Dragot (2005) Ltd., Federal Tax ID 26-3383926 . for IsraelGives Foundation
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In response to the ongoing crisis, we have initiated an urgent fundraising effort to provide essential care and support to survivors of the Hamas and Hezbollah attacks from the Southern and Northern communities. Our operation aims to address their immediate needs, encompassing shelter, food, clothing, security, and social services.

The Metzoke Dragot Village, perched on the cliffs of the Judean Desert with a view of the Dead Sea, has become a sanctuary for these individuals during these challenging times for the State of Israel. With the backing of the Megillot Regional Council, the Village ownership has availed all facilities to the survivors of the attacks.

Families began arriving shortly after being rescued during the initial days of conflict, and we have amassed donations of equipment and food that are now available to them.

Our objective is to continue welcoming more families and provide relief in four primary areas:

1. Shelter for all seeking refuge, alongside amenities like cleaning, laundry, internet, and other services.

2. Ensure personal security and cater to basic needs such as food, clothing, etc.

3. Offer psycho-social support and children's safe-space activities managed by the Village council and volunteers.

4. Organize respite and relief activities for both children and adults as they anticipate future, permanent placement or return to their homes.

The Metzoke Dragot Village pledges to cover the survivors' full board to the best of its ability, with the Village team committed to upholding the high standards of care and service that the Village is reputed for among its guests.

Nevertheless, to sustain these operations over the anticipated period, we require financial backing. Every cent we raise will be channeled towards enhancing the well-being and quality of life of the survivors. 

As we set out on this endeavor, we are looking to raise an initial amount of $200k as a baseline to operate our full program, as detailed above, for a sustained period for all the survivors accommodated in the village. However, our commitment doesn't stop at $200k. Any funds raised beyond this initial goal will continue to be directed towards the effort, ensuring extended support for the affected families as they embark on the path of rebuilding their lives. The more we raise, the broader and longer-term the support we can offer, adjusting to the evolving needs of the individuals over time.

Your generosity can make a profound difference in the lives of those impacted, providing a foundation for their future stability and well-being.

As the owners and caretakers of Metzoke Dragot, a place usually brimming with community and nature's tranquility, the recent crisis has moved us to act. Our response, rooted in deep-seated values, is a commitment to stand with those who have faced unthinkable hardships. Every donation will be directed towards alleviating the struggles of the survivors, alongside our own contributions. Your support is invaluable in these trying times.

With heartfelt appreciation,

Ron, Yariv, Yuval, and Hagai - Metzoke Dragot Family, 2005

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Thank you to our {{Donors.donorCount}} donors

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