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IDF Widows & Orphans Organization
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Israel is at war. The Children of Israel need our financial support.  

IDF Widows and Orphans (IDFWO) provides emotional support and services to widows and orphans of the Israel Defence Forces, and Israeli police officers, killed in the line of duty. By October 17th, 2023, (only the 10th day after the massacre of October 7th), there are already 301 new orphans who unfortunately now need IDFWO services from a loved one killed in the massacre or the ongoing war with Hamas. Those numbers will likely grow significantly as the ground offensive into Gaza commences where it is expected Israel will lose many more soldiers defending the existence of Israel. 

Please join us in supporting the IDF Widows and Orphans. When an IDF soldier dies defending Israel, we have the opportunity to directly support their widow and children through the IDFWO. 

Your meaningful donation is appreciated. All donations in the USA are tax-deductible. For more information about the IDFWO, please visit Home - IDF Widows and Orphans Organization (

Fundraising Goal = $10,000+ (no matter how long it takes)

Howard, Melissa, Jordan, Josh, and JuJu

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Thank you to our {{Donors.donorCount}} donors

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