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Israel at War: Simulation Center at the Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center - Ichilov

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Medical Technology and Simulation (MTS) Center Emergency Relief Fund

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Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center - Ichilov Hospital
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Medical Technology and Simulation (MTS) Center Emergency Relief Fund

Dear friends,

In the midst of a rapidly escalating crisis following the attrocious attacks on Israeli soil, we turn to you, our supporters and friends, with a plea for help. We here at the Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center-Ichilov have been busy working since the horrific attacks on October 7th to address the most urgent medical needs and prepare ourselves for any scenario that may unfold.

Since the devastating attacks on October 7, we have been unwavering in our commitment to the safety and well-being of our people. Even before the initial shock of the brutal attacks wore off and before the number of dead and wounded were counted, we began preparing intensive training sessions here at the Nissim Douek Medical Technology and Simulation Center (MTS). We understood that as the risks of war escalated, the importance of medical preparation could not be overstated.

The Nissim Douek Medical Technology and Simulation Center (MTS) at Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center - Ichilov has become a hub of vital training for our frontline healthcare heroes. 

TASMC - Ichilov hospital, the largest acute care facility in Israel, serves the Greater Tel Aviv area, receiving a staggering 1.8 million patient visits annually. It is a lifeline, an academic Medical Center of global repute, and a bastion of hope. Our MTS simulates complex treatment scenarios, mirroring real-life situations through cutting-edge tools like simulators, mannequins, and actors.


In the weeks since the attacks, our dedicated team has achieved the following:

-Trained medical students for trauma medicine and mass casualty incidents.

-Conducted courses for military healthcare workers nationwide.

-Hosted military healthcare workers at our simulation center.


-Organized training for health professionals to respond to mass stress and trauma.

But we can't do this alone. The financial demands of this endeavor are immense, and your support is crucial. Every dollar your contribute helps us acquire essential supplies like simulation mannequins that are reused to train hundreds of medics and doctors, who, in turn, can save thousands of lives.

Your donation will secure Israel's ability to respond to any attack, protecting its people from every threat.


The people of Israel are deeply grateful for your unwavering support during this unprecedented crisis. The road ahead is challenging, and we need you more than ever. With your help, we stand strong and prepared to face this unfolding crisis.

Please, consider a generous donation at this critical time. Your contribution is tax-deductible in Israel, USA, Canada, Australia, UK, and the EU.

Thank you for your compassion, your generosity, and your unwavering support.

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Thank you to our {{Donors.donorCount}} donors

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