Giving our soldiers a moment of strength and love from Jezreel valley winery

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collecting donations of wine to distribute to our soldiers to give them a moment of warmth and support on Shabbat

Campaign complete
Jacob Ner-David for IsraelGives Foundation
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We all know that moment when Shabbat comes.

This could be the warmest and most comforting moment of the week.

But for our soldiers at the front, it can also be the loneliest, most painful and heartbreaking moment, far from home

Our soldiers give everything for the defense of the homeland and us

We just want to do the little we can to strengthen them

Be our partner - For every bottle of wine you purchase for our soldiers, we will add a bottle 

 And we will distribute them to our soldiers.

Together we will provide them with a message of strength and support and above all for a short moment of joy and a sense of home for Shabbat

For every 85 NIS (New Israeli Shekel) you give a bottle and we add a bottle

If you choose $ the minimum contribution is $85 (equals 4 bottles from you and another 4 bottles from us)

for more info about our winery or if you would like to purchase wine in the US

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Thank you to our {{Donors.donorCount}} donors

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