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IsraAID Emergency Fund

The Emergency Fund gives IsraAID the flexibility to hit the ground running as quickly as possible, and it allows us to stay even when others move on.

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Our current emergency response: Israel Emergency

We are currently living through Israel's most devastating crisis in living memory. As an international NGO with extensive experience coordinating large-scale humanitarian response missions around the world, we will do everything we can to meet the urgent and long-term needs of affected communities. 

Together with local partners, we're:


  • Coordinating humanitarian activities for communities from Israel's Gaza border region, including support in education, logistics, and psychosocial support. We have partnered with 10 kibbutzim and moshavim and are providing ongoing support, from evacuation centers, and on the long journey back home.
  • Establishing temporary educational spaces for evacuated children
  • Operating child friendly spaces and art therapy studios that allow for the processing of trauma in a communal setting
  • Operating special retreats and providing ongoing psychosocial support to surivivors of the Nova Massacre
  • Training local emergency teams in over 140 communities across northern Israel
  • Training local mental health specialists on emergency-specific psychosocial support, so they can best meet the urgent needs of affected people from Israel's south
  • Supporting the needs of some of Israel's most vulnerable communities, including delivering protective spaces to Bedouin villages in Israel's south and providing ongoing psychosocial support


Our plan is constantly updating as humanitarian needs on the ground develop. We are committed to supporting the urgent and long-term needs of communities living through devastating crisis. Please support today. 


Background to the Emergency Response Fund

Since 2001, IsraAID’s specialist teams have responded to disasters in every corner of the world, providing emergency medical care, post-trauma mental health support, relief items, and water, sanitation, and hygiene solutions.

Our ability to bring that aid to communities in need relies on quickly galvanizing financial support, yet emergency response funding is often tied to media attention. Once the news cycle moves on, humanitarian organizations are forced to follow.

In 2017, IsraAID launched its Emergency Response Fund to shift this paradigm. The Emergency Fund gives us the flexibility to hit the ground running as quickly as possible, and it allows us to stay even when others move on.

Now, more than ever, with frequent crises occurring across the globe, we need your help to guarantee IsraAID’s rapid response to disasters and emergencies worldwide. Please donate today.

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Thank you to our {{Donors.donorCount}} donors

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