Help Provide Psychological Relief to Trauma Survivors in Eretz Yisroel

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Libby hid under her bed for seven hours, with terrorists in her home.  Since then, she can't stop shaking.

Chaim watched his neighbor being shot. He is frozen and unable to talk.

Bat Sheva is vomiting and is struggling to breathe. Her father has been kidnapped in Gaza.

There are hundreds of people who are turning to us for psychological assistance and support. 


Men and women. Grandparents and children. Babies and teenagers. Our People. They are all experiencing the horror and trauma of brutal attacks.


They are terrified.  They are frantic.  They are dealing with waves and waves of trauma.  They are grieving and in shock.  They need our help.  

 We can’t describe the horrors that families in Eretz Yisroel are experiencing.  There aren’t any words.   And we can’t change what happened.  

But we can help families now, while the crisis continues to unfold.  We can help them cope and give them the support they need to get through each excruciating minute.

 Havinenu is doing exactly that.  As an organization that helps with mental health and emotional well-being, our phone lines are crashing with the sheer volume of help calls. 

“My child keeps having panic attacks.”

“I am numb.  I can’t care for my children.”

“How can I face another day?” 

 We have hundreds of professionals providing answers 24 hours a day  in our help centers

We offer telephone and online help as well as one-on-one psychological treatments for war victims


They are in crisis.  But they don’t have to be in crisis alone. 

 On the recommendation of Israel's chief rabbi, Rabbi David Lau

and Rabbi Yitzhak David Grossman, Rabbi of Migdal Hamek

Donate Now



All donations are tax-deductible in the US, UK.

Read more about Havinenu here:

For more details:

to donate by phone 1929-585-2587

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