Campaign main image

Israel at War Emergency Campaign

Raised {{PageData.CurrentCurrencySignForCurrentPage}}{{PageData.TotalRaisedForCurrentPageToString}}
Raised {{PageData.CurrentCurrencySignForCurrentPage}}{{PageData.TotalRaisedForCurrentPageToString}}

IDF Reserve units need equipment.

The Ari Fuld Project
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Join our {{TeamMembers.list.length}} ambassadors by creating your own campaign in only a few clicks. Set your goal, write your message or upload your video, and spread the word about our important campaign!

Every day soldiers and units turn to The Ari Fuld Project and ask, “We need X, can you help us?”

Thank God, it’s much less common that the requests we receive are for basics like uniforms, helmets and vests - but we still get those requests too, and they are just as important for the soldiers now as they were on the first day of the war.

But more commonly, units are asking us for drones and night vision gear to help keep them safe and protect themselves from the enemies they might not otherwise see, whether it be in Gaza, on the northern border, or within Israeli communities.

Please donate to this campaign to help our soldiers and security personnel.

Together we will win.

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Thank you to our {{Donors.donorCount}} donors

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