Look Them in the Eyes - EDUT 710

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The largest Testimony Project of 'Iron Swords' War gathers the stories of the heroes who survived and those who are no longer with us

Campaign created by: Edut 710
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Join our {{TeamMembers.list.length}} ambassadors by creating your own campaign in only a few clicks. Set your goal, write your message or upload your video, and spread the word about our important campaign!

EDUT 710 (Testemony710) is a multimedia project born as a creative collaboration between documentary filmmakers, historians, and mental health practitioners. We are establishing a non-commercialized, comprehensive, and meticulously organized eyewitness testimony archive that will serve survivors and the broader public for years to come.


We are a group of more than 250 volunteers with backgrounds in documentary film, historical research, and mental health, all joining together to document and preserve eyewitness testimonies with the highest professional and ethical standards.


Over 400 testimonies have been filmed thus far, and dozens are available on our website. Our goal is to show the faces and hear the voices behind the stories authentically and personally. Non-news and non-commercial documentation, with as little editing as possible.


The partners who have joined the project so far are Verbit, WIX, Tel Aviv University, Hebrew University, Yale University, and Oranim College.



Supporting the project helps us capture additional stories of survivors waiting to tell their stories, edit, and share short videos with audiences worldwide.


** To make a tax-deductible donation, please contact Neta Dekel, Finance Manager, directly at neta@netadekel.com or via WhatsApp.

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Thank you to our {{Donors.donorCount}} donors

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