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Protecting civilian lives in Kibbutz Dan

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Donations for the purchase of essential equipment for the first response unit of Kibbutz Dan

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By Yonatan Elimelech de-Wolff
For The IsraelGives Foundation
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Dear friends and family,


My name is Yonatan Elimelech de-Wolff, a devoted father of four precious children residing in the region of Upper Galilee, specifically in Kibbutz Dan.


The 7th of October marked a day when our entire Jewish nation woke up to a nightmarish reality – a reality filled with brutal attacks initiated by Hamas in the South. It was on that very day that I, as a captain in the first response unit of Kibbutz Dan, was called to my reserve duty. Our mission is to protect innocent civilians from the same brutal threats originating from the Lebanese border, a mere stone's throw away from the homes of elderly individuals who helped build the very foundation of Israel.


While we undergo annual training to prepare for potential threats from groups like Hizballah, the horrifying events in the South have drastically altered our perspective on defense and the vital role of our first response unit. We've come to the sobering realization that we can no longer rely on the basic equipment at our disposal, and we are bracing ourselves for a protracted struggle ahead.


In response to this pressing need, we've compiled a list of essential equipment that is critical to our mission and for which we are seeking your generous donations. I'm actively working on obtaining quotations for the required equipment, and I anticipate having those quotes in the coming days. Your support in this endeavor would be a blessing beyond measure.


If you know of anyone within your network who shares our commitment to safeguarding Israel's first line of defense, I humbly request that you share this plea with them. Please know that I personally pledge to ensure that every dollar donated to this cause is used exclusively for the acquisition of life-saving equipment and resources to protect the people of Israel and our cherished borders.


Your unwavering support in protecting the lives of civilians and the enduring spirit of the Jewish nation means the world to us. If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at +972547575277


With profound gratitude and a heart full of hope,



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