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Spark the light in the homes of children in need

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Join Tenufa Bakehila’s “Bring Home the Light” campaign! Restore decent, warm, and safe housing to hundreds of children.

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Tenufa Bakehila - Building Hope
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Could you thrive in a home without light? Thousands of Israeli children live in dilapidated, dark, and unsafe homes.
Join Tenufa Bakehila’s “Bring Home the Light” campaign! Restore decent, warm, and safe housing to hundreds of children.

Thousands of Israeli children live in dilapidated, unsafe homes. They lack the most basic amenities, no hot water, heat, or reliable electricity.

× Two young girls whose bedroom ceiling collapsed, who sleep on the living room floor together with their grandmother…
× A teenager who showers in cold water in a bathroom with no door and no light…

Hundreds of children whose homes are failing them

No child should live in a home without running hot water, eat in a dark and moldy kitchen, or sleep beside exposed electrical wiring.

Tenufa Bakehila is the only organization that provides a large-scale response to housing poverty in Israel.

Tenufa Bakehila - Building Hope changes the lives of hundreds of children throughout the year. This year, our work teams renovated 600 homes for families in need in 20 cities throughout Israel, restoring safe, decent, and nourishing homes to over 1,600 children.

Thousands of children still subsist in dilapidated housing. They need our help, they need homes that are stable, that will nourish their potential.

Donate now!

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Thank you to our {{Donors.donorCount}} donors

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