Women of the Wall- Israel’s Canary in the Coal Mine

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Israel’s Canary in the Coal Mine

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Women of the Wall
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Women of the Wall stand guard on the border between a tolerant, equal Israel and the anarchy of a zealous, toxic and destructive strain of Judaism. We are like the canaries in the coal mine, our Jewish heart in Jerusalem- warning of great danger and potential failure of extremism.  Through seasons of war and protest, through every holiday and life cycle event, Women of the Wall has sustained to preserve the standard by which freedom can be measured. We will continue to show up and report out, crying and singing for freedom and pluralism in Israel. 


From our unique vantage point at the Wall, we identify the danger of zealotry.  We experience first hand how fanaticism breeds hatred and violence, and how ignoring the signs of escalating extremism can come at a devastating price. The Wall, the holiest site for the Jewish people, is where two opposing visions of Israel and of Judaism play out, and that is why we, a multi-denominational, inclusive women's prayer group. We welcome diversity and pluralism. We are the manifestation of the original vision of Israel. We share these values with countless Jews in Israel and in the Diaspora. We hope to be contagious. We hope to spread the revolutionary idea that unity does not mean uniformity.


I turn to you today with a request to support the Women of the Wall and our vision of an open and democratic Israel.   Help answer our prayers - donate now. 

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Thank you to our {{Donors.donorCount}} donors

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