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Australians for Israel

Supporting IDF Soldiers and their families with critical food, supplies, resources and more.

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Campaign created by: Lior
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Dear family and friends,

Unfortunately we all know what's happening in Israel.

On Saturday morning, 7.10.23, during Suckot holidays, Hammas terrorists invaded our borders, broke into villages and slaughtered hundreds of citizens in cold blood. Including elderly, women and babies. Dozens of them were kidnapped into Gaza.

Since then, my best friends and community are being called into battle, to fight terrorists and defend our own country.

Every hour we are losing more friends and having more casualties from rockets and terror attacks.

Our people need us, and even from afar, you can help.

We created an immediate line of support that connects you directly with the front lines.

These funds will support the families who are most in need and our fellow fighters on the southern and northern borders.

We’ll be providing them with critical food, supplies, resources, and support for their families. 

We are reaching out for those people who love Israel, and want to support Israel.

We'll appreciate every donation: 50 / 100 / 200 / 500 / 1000.

Lior Kalisker. BSB: 062-578. Account: 1036 9735.

Every amount counts.

The fund is being raised by Lior, an Israeli helicopter pilot, Major, who served for 10 years in the IAF, and is living in Australia for the last year.

Thank you for your donation.


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Thank you to our {{Donors.donorCount}} donors

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