Campaign main image

Ari's Paratroopers Miluim Campaign 2023

Raised {{PageData.CurrentCurrencySignForCurrentPage}}{{PageData.TotalRaisedForCurrentPageToString}}
Raised {{PageData.CurrentCurrencySignForCurrentPage}}{{PageData.TotalRaisedForCurrentPageToString}}

Ari's special forces paratroopers have been called up for miluim.

The Ari Fuld Project
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Ari’s special forces paratrooper unit has been in miluim (reserve duty) since Oct. 7th.


We are running an ongoing campaign to get them up-to-date and advanced gear.


If additional funds are raised, The Ari Fuld Project also be helping the rest of their Paratrooper platoon get new equipment too.


Please join us in this important project.

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Thank you to our {{Donors.donorCount}} donors

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