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Abby Silberman's Bat Mitzvah

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Help Support Lone Soldiers in Israel!

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The Lone Soldier Center in memory of Michael Levin
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Charity, or Tzedakah, is an important part of Judaism. As part of my Bat Mitzvah I have taken on a project to encourage and create Tzedakah. Part of it is selecting an organization that is important to me and invite others to help support it. 

For my Bat Mitzvah project, I am choosing to support the Lone Soldier Center in Israel.  I chose The Lone Soldier Center because of my cousin Drew Silberman. Drew is a Lone Soldier from Buffalo Grove, IL. After high school he went to Israel to serve in the military because Israel is very important to him, to our family, and an important part of his life. He believes in the importance of protecting Israel and the Jewish people. I am so proud of him for this. 

What is a Lone Soldier?  They are non-Israeli citizens who join the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) but have no family in Israel to support them. Unlike other IDF soldiers who regularly get to spend weekends and holidays with their families, the more than 6,300 Lone Soldiers have no immediate family in Israel to help support them when needs arise. The Lone Soldier Center provides emotional and physical support to Lone Soldiers before, during, and after their service in the IDF. They provide everything from basic necessities and equipment to advice and a place to have a Shabbat meal. They also help them navigate the unique  challenges presented by serving in the Israeli army as a non-Israeli citizen.

This charity is very close to my heart and I would really appreciate it if you would consider making a donation to support those helping to protect Israel and to support my cousin, Drew.

Abby Silberman

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Thank you to our {{Donors.donorCount}} donors

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