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Supporting Lone Soldiers Before, During, and After Their Service

Supporting Lone Soldiers Before, During, and After Their Service

Campaign creator
The Lone Soldier Center in memory of Michael Levin (580520104)
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Yair spent years bouncing between foster families. Ruth's family cut ties when she left her ultra-Orthodox community to enlist. One morning, Jonathan told his parents he was postponing college to make Aliyah and join the IDF instead.

Yair, Ruth, Jonathan, and around 7,000 other lone soldiers serve in the IDF today. They are stationed across Israel, fulfilling every mission dutifully. But when these soldiers return home after intense fighting or long days, nobody is waiting for them. No warm parental embrace or comforting family meal.

For 14 years, our Lone Soldiers Center has supported thousands of lone soldiers, providing them with a warm home and community, and by this we honor the memory and fulfill the dream of Michael Levin z"l, who was killed in Lebanon at just 21 years old.

This year, our staff and hundreds of volunteers are on call around the clock for every lone soldier. We are their family!


Part of what we offer:

  • Housing and community: We have Housing projects throughout the country, homes and clubs in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Be’er Sheva and apartments in more locations in the Center-Tel Aviv area. In our Housing projects we provide warm meals, food, beds, and emotional support all in a warm, communal and familial Environment.

  • Emotional support: we Provide professional- emotional and psychological support in an Individual and group therapy setting for long-term rehabilitation.

  • Life skills and assistance: Physical, technical and emotional assistance- legal assistance, financial and medical assistance and guidance as needed.

  • Physical necessities: Clothing, toiletries, bedding, mattresses, and other personal necessities

  • Food during Duty: we like to provide hot meals and food baskets to our soldiers in duty- when possible.

  • Rehabilitation support for injured soldiers

  • Rent and fiscal assistance: We support our soldiers with rent and living stipends when necessary.


In 2024, we aim to expand our support for discharged lone soldiers through a strong sense of community, career development, and more.

To continue being there for every soldier who needs us, we need you! Please consider making a gift today to help grow our services. Together, we can show lone soldiers they are never alone.


Every shekel helps. Toda raba!



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