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Tuvi Pollack's Podcast

Tuvi Pollack's Podcast

Coming together to support independent journalism - Partners and participants in Tuvi Pollack’s Podcast
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Be our partners in Tuvi Pollack’s independent journalism venture - for a fixed monthly payment or one-time support. Two years of self-funded work, about 380 episodes, over 150 guests, more than 180,000 downloads and hundreds of thousands of views on YouTube - all this is independent journalism that dose not rely on big money, controlling shareholders, publishers, newspapers, broadcast channels, commercial organizations, etc.

You are invited to support and help maintain and develop Tuvi Pollack’s Podcast, which is an independent journalism venture, based on the principles of professional journalism, conversations and interviews that are open and fair, without any preconditions.

The podcast offers conversations on a wide variety of topics: current events and news, economics and social issues, diplomacy and international relations, journalism and sports, culture, education and personal stories. The podcast shares conversations with regular visitors and special guests, covers current events, important issues as well as the lighter sides of life.

About Tuvi Pollack: Independent journalist, writer and editor. Previously with Monitin Group and primarily Maariv (writer and senior editor of Maariv’s sports section, newspaper’s journalist coordinator, writer and editor for the sports and news sections, political supplement, daily supplements, special supplements and more; content manager of the digitization project, founder and first editor in chief of Maariv Internet; founder-partner and editor in chief of the independent newspaper, Megaphone. Former owner of the Told You So blog in Haaretz newspaper.


Thank you to our {{Donors.donorCount}} donors
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Thank you to our {{Donors.donorCount}} donors
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