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An open heart and full pots - let's go out together to support our soldiers!



An open heart and full pots - let's go out together to support our soldiers!

Three brave women, from the beginning of the war, took upon themselves a tremendous task - to cook and feed thousands of fighting soldiers. Today we invite you to join them and donate to continue this blessed activity.
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Open Hearts and Full Pots - Let's Support Our Soldiers Together!


Three brave women have taken on a tremendous mission since the beginning of the war - to cook and feed thousands of combat soldiers. Today, we invite you to join them and donate to continue this blessed activity.


Since the beginning of the war, all of Israel has mobilized to support the soldiers at the front and the rear. But as the conflict drags on, these vital initiatives have dwindled. However, not for Karin, Ora, and Carmelina - they ensure that every soldier receives a hot meal before and after every mission. Together, we can ensure they don't go hungry. Donate now and become part of the family that supports the IDF soldiers.


Our Story:


Since the start of the current war, three extraordinary women - Karin, Ora, and Carmelina - have become symbols of unconditional giving. From morning until night, they labor in the kitchen, preparing massive amounts of nutritious and heartwarming food for IDF soldiers serving at the front and the rear. Each of them brings with her a life story, extensive kitchen experience, and a huge heart that drives this mission.


Three women, each with a huge heart and an unwavering desire to help, united around one goal: to ensure that every combat soldier receives a hot, nutritious meal filled with love. They cook from morning till night, preparing appetizing dishes, and providing soldiers with a moment of comfort in the midst of the battle. Their effort is entirely donation-based, and we are here to ensure they can continue doing so.


Karin Levi: "When the soldiers receive the food, I see the smile on their faces, and I know it's all worth it."


Carmelina Ashkar: "Every full pot is another soldier who received some warmth, love, and support."


Their work doesn't end with cooking. Karin, Ora, and Carmelina are living examples of Israeli brotherhood, a spirit of mutual aid, and the ability of each of us to take part in significant social action. Thanks to them, thousands of soldiers receive not only nutritious food but also a warm embrace and high morale that strengthens them in the toughest moments.


Their mission is not easy, but they don't give up. Every day is a new challenge, and every day they overcome it with extraordinary willpower and the support of the community around them. When you donate, you are not only helping Karin, Ora, and Carmelina continue their important work, but you are also taking part in our collective mission - to support our soldiers and ensure they feel the warmth and love of home, even when they are far from it.


Let's support them and make sure no soldier goes hungry!

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