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After Losing his Wife He Is Now Fighting To Save His and his Daughter's Life



After Losing his Wife He Is Now Fighting To Save His and his Daughter's Life

Stricken with debilitating terror, Reuven went into hiding. The man whose existence was dedicated to growing life is now ready to take his own life our of sheer despair. The only thing standing between Reuven and a tragic emise is you. You can save his life.
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החברים של רובי
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It\\'s in the World\\'s intrest to Help Save Reuven\\'s life.

A man is cowering in a decrepit shelter. His face is pale from sheer terror. A form of skin cancer forms on his arm, but he cannot leave his hideout for fear of his life. There is a noose of debt hanging around his neck.

It is impossible to imagine the devastating horror that Reuven Michaeli is experiencing right now. He is trapped in an endless nightmare. But just a short time ago, Reuven was a successful farmer in the north of Israel, who loved his life, his family and his land. Reuven lost his wife to cancer several years ago and has been lonely every since. Not a day goes by, where he does not cry from his loss. Out of the barren, dry fields of Eretz Yisroel, he managed to grow vibrant flowers and nutritious vegetables that were exported all over Israel. When he lost his wife to cancer a few years ago, he continued his work despite his sorrow, so as not to let down his children and employees.

Tragedy hit in January of 2019, when a day before the harvest, Reuven’s entire orchard was poisoned by an herbicide inhibitor. Reuven woke up to rows and rows of dead and wilted flowers. Insurance would not cover his losses. He had to let go of all of his staff but debt uncoiled that he could not pay. The people Reuven owes money to are savage and unforgiving. They already burnt his car and they to continue to make violent death threats against Reuven and his family.


Stricken with debilitating terror, Reuven went into hiding. The man whose existence was dedicated to growing life is now ready to take his own life our of sheer despair. The only thing standing between Reuven and a tragic demise is you.

You can save his life.

Paamonim is an organization that assists families in Israel who are trapped in dangerous financial crises. Paamonim’s team of financial experts and advocates negotiated more reasonable terms with his case (originally 500,000$ was needed but they were able to lower it to only 100,000$).

If we can raise 100,000$, Reuven will have a second chance at life.


Please take advantage of this unique opportunity to partake in the greatest mitzvah of all - Pikuach Nefesh. Saving the life of a precious soul that is on the brink of suicide takes priority over everything else.


Many leaders and Rabbonim, strongly endorse this critical case:

Please donate whatever you can. Your help literally makes the difference between life and death for Reuven. No amount is too little or too great for this desperate situation.

You can donate by pressing the blue "DONATE NOW" button,
thank you !


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