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Please Help The Terror Victims of Kibbutz Mefalsim



Please Help The Terror Victims of Kibbutz Mefalsim

Kibbutz Mefalsim in Israel underwent a horrific terror attack in the early morning hours of October 7th, 2023. Now, they need your help.
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By Kibbutz Mefalsim
For IsraelGives Foundation
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Donation to Kibbutz Mefalsim:
(for tax-deductable bank transfers, read the 'Donation' paragraph)
Saturday morning, October 7, 2023, will forever be etched in the history of Kibbutz Mefalsim as the most challenging morning the Kibbutz has ever faced. However, it was also a morning marked by courage, heroism, and miracles. At 06:30 in the morning, our day began with the jarring sound of alarms and explosions. Many families had spent the night at a community campsite in the olive grove, a peaceful interlude that was abruptly interrupted that morning. Swiftly, they jumped into their vehicles and raced back to their homes, navigating through falling Qassems and the widespread destruction. Had they delayed by just another 10 minutes, they might have fallen victim to the murderous terrorists who were en route to the kibbutz.
Our local law enforcement immediately rallied the call squad and took up defensive positions around the kibbutz. With indescribable bravery, individual members of a standby squad, along with the assistance of four soldiers who happened to be on Shabbat vacation with their weapons, engaged the terrorists who had arrived on foot, on motorcycles, and in vans, launching a brutal assault on the kibbutz. The terrorists converged from three different directions, and the battle raged continuously, featuring gunfire, RPG missiles, explosives, and grenades. All this occurred in the midst of relentless Qassam missile fire and explosions. Despite having limited resources and compromised communication, our brave defenders managed to thwart the terrorists' attempts to murder and abduct the kibbutz residents. Regrettably, military assistance arrived only after 3.5 hours, which felt like an eternity. After enduring harrowing and tense hours under heavy fire, the kibbutz community was saved. Yet, we mourned the loss of many friends, neighbors, family members, acquaintances, and fellow travelers. We had no choice other than to leave our homes for the time being, becoming instant refugees. The toll of this war on our kibbutz has been heavy, with extensive destruction and devastation. Irreparable damage has been inflicted on our kibbutz's agriculture, impacting the dairy farm, orchards, avocados, and poultry. The damage will be felt for years to come. We urgently need your help. Every donation, whether big or small, will contribute to our immediate survival. These contributions will go towards safeguarding our cherished kibbutz during the ongoing conflict and, ultimately, to the kibbutz's restoration and the well-being of our community. Your support is vital in fortifying the resilience of the State of Israel.

Credit cards -
Donations can be transferred with all credit cards (except American Express) by clicking on the 'Donate Now' button. A receipt will be sent to your email after completing that transaction. 

Please note - you can choose the payment currency and the percentage of the tip for the website operation.

Tax deductable bank transfers -
For tax-deductable bank transfers, please press here.
When you donate, be sure to mark in the "notes" of the wire the Kibbutz name.
You can also email us at to let us know to which Kibbutz you'd like to allocate the donation.
For additional instructions, click here.

Direct bank transfers -
International bank transfers can be made directly to Kibbutz Mefalsim's bank account, however, a receipt will not be sent for tax-deductable purposes: 
Mityashvey Mefalsim
Branch 978
Bank account number 04330022
IBAN IL830109780000004330022


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