These are trying times. We need heroes. The artist Itay Zalait gave us exactly that. He created a work of art to symbolize the many Israeli heroes fighting for their nation's freedom and democracy from the corrupt officials threatening to take it away.
On December 4th of 2020, the government yet again threatened to take away Israeli freedom by silencing protestors and oppressing this art. They forcibly removed the monumental “hero of Israel” sculpture. Now we’re fighting back! Join the cause to bring back and keep this statue in Paris Square, Jerusalem Our heroes deserve to be seen and remembered. We all deserve to be heard, to be heroes.
Our Story
What are you fighting for? The people of Israel have been fighting for their freedom, democracy, and their voice for generations. The year 2020 was no exception. Thousands of Israeli gather in Paris Square every Saturday (after Sabbath) to voice out their frustrations about the corrupt officials threatening their lives. But, the government wants to silence them.
Itay Zalait created a five -ton structure as a tribute to this. The sculpture, the Hero of Israel commemorates this fight - forever to be remembered. But the government wants to take that away too. Join the fight for freedom of expression , do not allow our brethren to be silenced. Do not allow our history to be revised. Let our people speak, let them fight, let them manifest their art . Support the cause to keep the Israeli Hero statue standing loud and proud by donating to this cause.
The Hero of Israel was created to commemorate the events and protests against the former prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. This statue memorialized the pain, hardship, and more importantly, the fight of thousands of Israeli men and women for their country. It features an Israeli protestor kneeling to protect himself whilst bravely holding an Israeli flag to showcase the courage of the thousands of protestors. The bronze statue is also wearing a face mask, displaying the challenges of the pandemic. These brave people protested during a pandemic and voiced out their anger against the horrid corruption this government bestowed on them and they need YOUR help.
This statue was one of the only tangible materials that remember these historic events. This was a symbol of not only protest but freedom and bravery. These are values that we all need to uphold and protect.
Unfortunately, the statue was taken away. Forcibly. Without due process.
Just like the freedom, the rights, and the possible future of so many people of Israel. This administration threatened to take that all away. Forcibly. Without due process.
But we are fighting back! And we need your help to do so!
Despite Zalait refusing to leave his creation, despite protesters, despite legal support, government officials and the police were still able to take away this symbol of revolution and sanction anyone that refuses to comply. While this was only one of the minor atrocities the government can do without due process, when will it stop? They can do anything they want without consequences.
The Sculpture of the Hero of Israel will be located in Jerusalem to remind all present and future Israeli governments that the citizens are the sovereign, not the other way around. This is part of the struggle to preserve a democratic and free Israel.
This brave artist is asking for your help to compensate materials and creation of the famed statue. By helping fund this, it's a vote not only for Israel. But it is a vote for hope, a voice, and freedom. Let's help take that back and help our Israeli brothers and sisters be HEARD.
Donations can be made here via Fundme by IsraelGives.
your welcome to send an email to heroofisrael2020@gmail.com to learn more.
This project was financed by loans. Supporting the project is supporting the act of protest. The money donated will enable the artist to continue to engage, to create powerful, living protest art through which the protesters who actively participate in democracy, will be heard.
Donate 100 ILS to get "Hero of Israel" T-shirt

Donate 2500 ILS to get "Hero of Israel" polymer sculpture (include shiping)
size 39cm X 20cm X 18cm
Donate 24,000 ILS to get "Hero of Israel" bronze sculpture in limited edition signed by the artist
size 39cm X 20cm X 18cm