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Help us feed Israeli soldiers on the Lebanese front!



Help us feed Israeli soldiers on the Lebanese front!

We cook for more than 3,400 soldiers, reservists and first responders, under constant rocket fire and drone attacks. We need your help to keep going.
By Y L
For The IsraelGives Foundation
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We are Itzhak and Lior, in the small town of Shlomi on the Lebanon border. Together with a bunch of friends and volunteers, we cook homemade meals for more than 3,400 soldiers, reservists and first responders on the Lebanon front - under constant rocket and drone attacks.

As more an more soldiers are deploying here, ready for the imminent war with Hezbollah terrorists, demand for meals has skyrocketed. We need your help to pay for groceries - and to keep feeding our heros.

If you'd like to help Israel but not sure how, if you'd like to help protect civilians living under constant rocket fire, if you'd like to help feed our boys and girls in uniform - please donate and help us buy the groceries to cook those meals.

We are also nearing the High Holidays, and if we can raise enough, we hope to give our brave soldiers just a little bit extra. Most of them won't get to celebrate, as they will be on duty (if not at war); a holiday meal can be a ray of light in the grim reality of war.

We don't have any big orgs involved here, no CEOs getting paychecks, no big campaigns. It's just us, all volunteers.
Every cent you give, goes 100% to buy food for soldiers.

What this is about

We are team of volunteers in the border town of Shlomi (we call ourselves "Birchat Margalit"). Shlomi is technically considered to be evacuated. It's right on the border, and we are under constant rockets and drone attacks by Hezbollah terrorists. But nothing can break our volunteers, and we cook for the soldiers every day - literally under fire.

To stretch donations as far as possible, we also collect food and supplies from the area, not just money.

There are volunteers who help pick vegetables from fields in the area, fields that cannot be farmed normally due to the war - so at least they pick some produce for the soldiers.
Another volunteer, who has chicken coops, brings us eggs.
There are workers in local industrial plants who, during breaks, instead of resting, come to the our kitchen and help in any way they can.

We all work towards the same goal: to provide proper food, home style meals, for soldiers and reservists here at the front.

We need your help in funding the supplies we cannot get otherwise: meats and dry goods. Currently, this amounts to about 7,000 USD per week.

Every cent you donate goes 100% to the soldiers. We are all volunteers; no one gets paid a cent.

You can also donate food, not just money! If you are in the Shlomi area and would like to donate food such as chicken, meat, rice, pasta, vegetables, trays, and aluminum foil, please contact 0525308166.

Thank you!



Questions and Answers:

Is the food kosher?
Yes, there is a kosher supervisor, and the kitchen has a valid kosher certificate.

I am a soldier/reservist in the north, and we'd like to get meals. What should we do?
We would be happy to help! Please contact 0525308166.

Can we donate food or equipment to you?
Yes! We would be very happy to receive food supplies - meat (chicken, beef, fish) and dry goods (rice, pasta). There is also a need for food packaging - strong trays, salad boxes.

Why do soldiers need to be fed by volunteers, doesn't the IDF provide them with food?
The IDF does provide food; no soldier will starve without us. But the IDF provides combat rations, food for survival. Our goal is to give the soldiers who protect us a feeling of home, to give them a little more strength and a little more joy.


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