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United for Laniado Hospital in Netanya, Israel.



United for Laniado Hospital in Netanya, Israel.

Let’s raise funds for equipment for the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit!
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Kiryat Sanz Hospital For Laniado (580082014)
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Laniado is a world-class medical center which has been providing care for 500,000 people in and around Netanya since 1976. Laniado Hospital was founded by Rabbi YY Halberstam (The Sanz-Klauzenburger Rebbe zt”l) a Holocaust survivor. He wanted the hospital to stand as a testimony to the sanctity of each and every life.

Due to Covid-19, this amazing hospital is in crisis and urgently needs donations.

The Laniado maternity-newborn department is well known and respected. Women from all over the country choose to deliver there. Last year they had 8,000 newborn deliveries!

During the current Corona pandemic, Laniado has had to care for 70 babies born to mothers who tested positive for Corona. These included several premature babies who required treatment in our special Corona annex located adjacent to the regular Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).

Last year there were 500 admissions to the NICU. Babies have been admitted for a variety of reasons, including premature birth as early as 23-24 weeks as well as a host of breathing difficulties, infections, low blood sugar, feeding difficulties, genetic syndromes, congenital anomalies and surgical issues. In addition to the core Neonatology team, Laniado also provides numerous medical and surgical subspecialties.

The current NICU contains 16 beds, is 250 square meters in size, and was built when the hospital delivered 200 babies each month. Laniado now has three times as many deliveries per month. Unfortunately, the number of beds they have is inadequate, resulting in overcrowding and occasionally even requiring women in labor to be transferred to other hospitals.

To address this issue, the hospital administration has invested tremendous resources to build a brand new 900 square meter NICU, containing 34 beds. They are currently planning to move into the new NICU by March 2021.

The new NICU will be fully computerized, and will more than double the current number of beds! Almost all of the equipment will be brand new, including cardiovascular monitors, incubators, ventilators, infusion pumps and phototherapy units.

Your generous donation will help to purchase expanded facilities that are desperately needed so more of these tiny, fragile infants can be saved!

Donate now!

Have you heard about the Women's Worldwide Virtual  Fundraiser  "United Talents"? Get the recording or schedule a Live-Stream for your community. Inspirational and empowering messages, breath-taking, original Kol-isha music!  In the memory of 120. birthday Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka Schneerson (25 Adar)
More info and how to purchase a ticket - click: Buy Tickets!
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