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Save the Turtle Dove from Extinction



Save the Turtle Dove from Extinction

In the fight to save the turtle dove from extinction, you've already done what many thought was impossible - to temporarily ban the legal hunting of this endangered species. But a one year ban is not enough!
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Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel (580017499)
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There's still time to stop the turtle dove going extinct - but your help is needed now.

Thanks to your support, a one-year ban on their hunting was put in place last year. But this temporary measure expires in only a few short months.

Now we are asking for your help to once again do the impossible and turn this temporary hunting ban into a permanent one and save the turtle dove.

Even achieving a one-year ban was something considered impossible due to the power of the hunters’ special interest group. But thanks to your support their influence was overcome. But this is not enough. For the turtle doves or me.

With your support Israel can become the first country to permanently ban hunting!

Over the past 40 years the world population of this enigmatic bird has declined by over 80%. It is now considered globally endangered due to hunting and habitat loss.

Each year hunters kill millions of these small birds in Israel and throughout Europe. This beautiful bird with its gold laced wings has no defense against the hunters’ lead that mercilessly shred their small pink-grey bodies.

We are writing to you for help now as we know that you care deeply about the Land of Israel and its nature.

King Solomon wrote in “the Song of Songs” that the arrival of the turtle dove in ancient Israel was a sign that spring had arrived and with it the season of renewal.

"The flowers are springing up, the season of singing birds has come, and the cooing of turtle doves fills the air"
Imagine walking in the Israeli spring through carpets of colorful wildflowers without the iconic calls of the turtle dove as nature’s soundtrack.
Imagine walking in the Israeli spring through carpets of colorful wildflowers without the soft cooing of the turtle dove as nature’s soundtrack. My soul aches as I write these words and consider this future.

I hope you will join me in saving this connection to our shared past and heritage by donating now to make the hunting ban permanent.

Nature is resilient. It will only take a few seasons after a total hunting ban for Israel’s hills and forests to echo once again with the cooing of the turtle dove.

These sounds will affirm the impact good people like you who care and act can have. On the Holy Land and around the world.

So please donate now. Your generous donation will be used to:

·        Turn Israel’s temporary hunting ban into a permanent one

·        Increase enforcement of illegal killing

·        Build an international coalition to protect the turtle doves across Europe and Africa

With Israel lying at a key bottleneck on the doves’ annual migration, the impact of your donation will be multiplied across Europe and Africa.

So please send in your generous donation in the enclosed envelope as quickly as you can. Without your help Israel’s spring time will be silenced.

Thank you

PS. A one year hunting ban isn’t enough for us or the turtle doves. With your generous support we can do the impossible – again – and create a permanent hunting ban on turtle doves and save this bird from extinction.

Thank you to our {{Donors.donorCount}} donors
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Thank you to our {{Donors.donorCount}} donors
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