“Mommy, when can we come home?” my 4-year-old-daughter asked me.
This was the hardest time of our lives, when my precious daughters and I were torn apart from each other because of my disability.
I still cry when I remember the nightly phone calls full of tears. We all wept and prayed for the day when they could come back home, to their beds, to their dolls, to me. Little girls need their Mommies, even with disabilities.
After a bus accident years ago, all my plans for the future came crashingn\\\\\\\' down. I was left with devastating chronic pain, which eventually led to an Ehlers Danlos Syndrome diagnosis. In short -- it means I experience serious struggles with my physical ability on a day-to-day basis.
Last year, when I couldn\\\\\\\'t secure live-in help, the daily physical challenges proved to be too much to manage on my own, and I collapsed.
I had to make the heart-wrenching decision, and pass the care of my girls over to someone else, purely because of my disability. I continued to fight, doing everything in my power to get them back, and Thank God, eventually, I succeeded.
But in order for me to continue raising my 3 beautiful blessings, and prevent the trauma of separation from ever occurring again, I need to ask for financial support from the community.
The disability stipend I receive is barely enough for me to survive, and it’s not enough to cover the in-home helper that I so desperately need in order to continue being a functional mother to my three girls.
I’m turning to you, and asking for your help in raising money that will subsidise our full-time carer. To keep my family together.
There are days where I can’t even bend down to pick up a toy off the floor. But I’ve never stopped fighting, and I never will, until the rules in Israel are changed, and my girls and I can live respectfully, and safely, together. I won’t settle for anything less than being a Mother to my daughters, even when it takes strengthening my body in daily therapies, I’ll do everything in my power to stop my body from deteriorating further, So I can be there for my kids.
And someday I hope to take the fight a step further and change the laws regarding disabled parents in Israel.
It’s incredibly difficult for me to ask for help, but I need it.
I need a live-in helper. I need those legs that can stand up while cooking them dinner, I need those arms that can do the laundry and I need that extra pair of hands when on my worst days, I can’t get up because of debilitating pain.
But make no mistake, I’m excellent at being my childrens’ Mother. They always get their hugs from me. They always get my love. And at the end of the day, my girls need their Mommy to tuck them in at night, and tell them everything will be okay.
When they scrape their knee, I can still give them that comforting kiss, and I’m a master at reading them stories. I\\\\\\\'ll continue to strive and be there for all their big moments, to help them solve problems, and like any parent, continue to do my best to keep them from harm.
My disability has never made us any less of a family.
Fortunately, I now have a full time carer in my house and my children are back home with me where they belong. And I intend to keep it that way. But I need to be able to pay for my helper, or I risk losing my kids once again - which would break my heart and theirs.
Thank you for reading, and Please, share our story, and consider donating to help me keep my family together.