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The 17th Joint Israeli-Palestinian Memorial Day Ceremony



The 17th Joint Israeli-Palestinian Memorial Day Ceremony

Please support us and donate so we can raise our voices and say - enough violence! There is a place here for all.
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Campaign creator
Combatants for Peace (513797902)
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This year, on May 3rd, we are holding the 17th Israeli-Palestinian Memorial Day Ceremony.

This is the third consecutive year in which our ceremony is live-streamed online, bringing our message to hundreds of thousands of people all over the world. Our message is an important one and backed by action - it says to the world: We don’t need to have war here, we can work together, we can respect differences, and we can have a place here for everyone. It’s important that we are heard, and this message isn’t ignored.

It is down to all of us to share this message as widely and loudly as possible and it is thanks to you who support, enable, and stand with us that we can create this ceremony, and make our message clearly heard. We thank you from the depths of our hearts for every word of encouragement, every ‘Like’ and every dollar, euro and pound.

Our ask to you is to donate now, so that together we can make sure the world hears our message of peace.

Thank you to our {{Donors.donorCount}} donors
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Thank you to our {{Donors.donorCount}} donors
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