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Israel Under Fire - SPNI Emergency Campaign: Providing safe housing for families evacuated from the Gaza area in SPNI's Field Schools
Campaign creator
Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel (580017499)
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SPNI Emergency Campaign: Please help provide safe housing for families evacuated from the Gaza area in SPNI's Field Schools

On Sabbath morning October 7, thousands of terrorists from Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza infiltrated Israel, brutally massacred hundreds of Israelis, taking more than 150 hostages into Gaza and holding entire communities under siege for 3 days.  All the while, thousands of missiles and mortar shells were being fired at communities all over Israel, but especially in the areas closest to Gaza.

Now, Israel has re-taken the occupied communities and is evacuating thousands of families from the affected areas. Thousands of families from places like Sderot – already grieving, not working, many with farms and businesses destroyed – needing to fend for themselves in this terrible period.

Many Israelis have opened their homes to Gaza-area evacuees, and SPNI has done so as well. Beginning yesterday, we opened our southern field schools, free of charge, to any family fleeing the Gaza violence, and families are already coming.

By making a donation to SPNI today you can help us provide a safe and secure place for these families to stay at one of our field schools as long as they need.

The cost for SPNI to host a family of 6 for one night is only $300. This includes three meals, beds for the family, and a program of children’s activities from our trained counselors.

We can provide shelter for up to 220 families (1000+) evacuees in our Mitzpe Ramon, Eilat, HaTzeva and Alon Tabor Field Schools.

We are accepting requests directly from families while also coordinating with other NGOs and social service agencies to identify families that need us as part of the national humanitarian effort to provide shelter to every person in their time of need. We are prioritizing those families with children or elderly parents.

We are turning to you, our friends and supporters in Israel and abroad, to help the families most in need in these unprecedented days of national danger and trauma.

Please consider supporting this endeavor, this humanitarian mission, even above and beyond your regular giving to SPNI and our affiliates in the US and the UK.

If you prefer to donate by check please send your check to:

Nature Israel, 15 East 40th Street, Suite 904, New York, NY 10016

With gratitude,

Dan Alon, CEO

Jay Shofet, Partnerships and Development

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