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Save Our Tom



Save Our Tom

In one moment - our child's life changed from end to end and we need your help to save his life.
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Campaign creator
Evelyn Raskin
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Our Tom,

A mischievous 7-year-old boy full of joy and life,

A generous child full of love 

A boy who had just started first grade

With hopes and dreams for a bright future

Until on a day that seemed like so many other days, my little boy received the worst news a child can get.

It all started with a small headache that seemed like nothing

He woke up and said he felt a little unwell. I gave him a little medicine, followed by a hug and a kiss and thought nothing of it.

A few days later he complained of headaches again, and his school called home to let me know I should come pick him up. Again I gave him medicine, a hug from mom, a calm and normal night's sleep, a check-up with a family doctor, and we went back to normal.

Soon after, Tom woke up with a severe headache. He was lethargic and vomiting. We ran to the ER, where we waited hours, but left with no answers.

We no longer thought everything was normal, we were very stressed and concerned.

Unfortunately, they sent us home as if nothing had happened.

And then it happened,

On February 15th 2023, a Wednesday evening we took our Tom to the ER again. 

This time, we insisted on a CT scan which quickly led to a terrible discovery.

Tom was diagnosed with a cancerous tumor in his brain.

After the discovery, our long and exhausting journey really began:

An urgent hospitalization in intensive care, followed by a very difficult operation that took several hours.

The biopsy results were not encouraging.

Tom is currently in the recovery process after the surgery he had on 2/17/23

He is very weak, apathetic and no longer smiling. Tom is very mature and trying to cope with the horrible disease, but the illness is robbing him of every normal childhood experience. 

Tom has a rare and aggressive type of cancer, within 30 days after surgery we flew to start radiation treatments in the US at a particular clinic, located in New Jersey. This clinic offers the best treatment that specializes in Tom’s rare type of cancer.

This is just the beginning.. but I have to help my son

As he fights for himself - so I must fight for him.

Please, help me help my little son.

Thank you to our {{Donors.donorCount}} donors
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Thank you to our {{Donors.donorCount}} donors
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