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giving wheels to IDF soldier !



giving wheels to IDF soldier !

I am a volunteer soldier with cerebral palsy, serving as a team leader in a classified position. help me get the wheelchair that will give me independence!
By 'א
For The IsraelGives Foundation
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*Spanish follows*


My name is O' , I'm  20 years old and I live in Israel. I am a volunteer soldier with cerebral palsy serving as a team leader in a classified position. From a young age it was clear to me that I would volunteer for the army despite the challenges and the complexity involved. The love of the homeland, the desire to protect the country together with the desire to influence and change, and above all
The personal obligation ,I feel to show people in situations similar to mine, that it is possible to do things differently and break through
The limits of ourselves every new day, are the values that led me to do what I do and will continue with me for life.


I serve in a closed base and get around in a wheelchair. Until a few months ago, I got around with the help of a scooter which allowed me to get around independently and without depending on the people around me. When the scooter broke down, I had to switch to a wheelchair. Because the wheelchair is manual, this makes it difficult for me to move around completely independently in my base and other spaces,  many times even forces me to be dependent on people. In addition, the chair I use is bulky for me and not very durable. As a result, I felt the need to purchase an electric wheel that connects to a wheelchair along with a new and stronger chair that will serve me for years to come. Compared to a new scooter or an electric chair, which are bulky and very heavy, a lightweight chair together with an electric wheel will allow me to move around with complete independence and operate everything myself from end to end. As mentioned, these aids are necessary for me for normal daily functioning. I would greatly appreciate any help in order to make the basic existential solution a reality.





Soy O', tengo 20 años y vivo en Israel.
Soy un soldado con parálisis cerebral que sirve como voluntario en el Ejército de Israel en una unidad especial de tecnología dentro del Servicio .
Desde una edad muy temprana tenía muy claro que iba a unirme al ejército como voluntario, a pesar de los desafíos y de la complejidad que eso representaba.
Los valores que me impulsaron a hacer esto son el amor a mi país y el deseo de defenderlo, junto con mi compromiso personal de demostrar a otras personas como yo que podemos superar nuestros límites cada día.

Hasta hace unos meses, me movilizaba en la base militar en una silla de ruedas eléctrica, que me permitía manejarme de manera independiente y autónoma. Desde que esa silla se descompuso, tuve que pasar a una silla de ruedas manual, lo que dificulta mucho mi movilidad, además de hacerme perder gran parte de mi independencia.

Por eso, necesito una silla de ruedas nueva que se adapte a mis necesidades. Debería ser más liviana y resistente, además de tener una rueda eléctrica especial que se una a la misma. Esta nueva silla me permitiría movilizarme y desempeñarme de manera totalmente independiente y autónoma en el día a día.

El costo total de esta silla es de 56,000 shekels (cerca de 15,000 dólares).

Agradecería mucho cualquier ayuda para hacer esto posible.

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