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Or Hadash Matanot L'evyonim Campaign with Leket Israel



Or Hadash Matanot L'evyonim Campaign with Leket Israel

Rescue surplus, high-quality food this Purim to feed those who need it most!
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Campaign creator
Leket Israel (580407633)
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In the spirit of Matanot L'evyonim, Or Hadash will be helping Leket Israel prevent the needless destruction of fresh food in Israel.

About Leket Israel:

Leket Israel, Israel’s National Food Bank, rescues 55 million lbs. of surplus, high-quality food annually, that otherwise would go to waste, from hundreds of farms, hotels, corporate caterers and IDF army bases. The food is distributed weekly to over 250 non-profits feeding 225,000 Israelis of all backgrounds including Holocaust survivors, immigrants, the elderly, kids at risk, single parent families, the newly unemployed, and more. Each $1 provides 6 lbs. of fresh food delivered to those in need on Purim day and Shushan Purim in order to fulfill the mitzvah of Matanot L’evyonim.

How to Donate to Leket Israel:

  • Online via Credit CardClick the blue "Donate Now" button on this page
  • CheckMade payable to "American Friends of Leket Israel", and sent to: American Friends of Leket Israel, PO Box 2090, Teaneck, NJ 07666. Please include "Or Hadash" in the memo
  • Donor Advised Fund, Wire, Stocks, Crypto, or Mutual FundsContact Elèna at elena@leket.us or (201) 331-0070 x2


American Friends of Leket Israel is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. P.O. Box 2090, Teaneck, NJ 07666  leket.org/en ● elena@leket.us ● (201) 331-0070 x2 ● Tax ID #: 20-8202424

Thank you to our {{Donors.donorCount}} donors
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Support the campaign Fundraisers

Thank you to our {{Donors.donorCount}} donors
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