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Supporting the Nof-Zion defense network



Supporting the Nof-Zion defense network

The Nof Zion neighborhood connects East and West Jerusalem, located in the vicinity of the hostile Arab village of Jabal Mukhabar. On October 7, 2023, Israel's deterrent power was damaged. Reality has changed and we are not prepared for it. Due to the limitations of national resources, the authorities rely on local civilian leadership to establish neighborhood defense systems. In accordance with the need of the hour, we established Emergency Squads, from among ourselves, to protect the neighborhood. As of today, the Emergency Squads can only provide a partial response. We urgently need combat equipment, means of communication, bulletproof vests, lighting, security cameras, a public address system and more. We need the support of "Lovers of Zion" to restore security and protection to the neighborhood and maintain the safety of its residents.
Campaign complete AAA
By Michal Tzemach
For IsraelGives Foundation
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