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Help Matnat Chaim get back to work after the fire!



Help Matnat Chaim get back to work after the fire!

Matnat Chaim offices severely damaged by fire - join as an ambassador to help us get back to saving lives!
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Campaign creator
Matnat Chaim (580506889)
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A fire that broke out on Tuesday night on Kanfei Nesharim Street in Jerusalem caused extensive damage to the offices of Matanat Chaim, which works to recruit altruistic kidney donors who save lives. Computers, documents, equipment and office furniture were severely damaged in the fire. Due to the fire damage - our offices will not be able to function in the coming weeks and alternative offices are needed to continue our daily activities. The insurance money, even once it arrives, will not cover all the damage.
Become an ambassador and help us widen the circle of supporters - all donations will help us get back to the business of saving lives as quickly as possible!
Donations here or to bit 0543213911 or bank transfer 17/661/62951787

Thank you to our {{Donors.donorCount}} donors
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Thank you to our {{Donors.donorCount}} donors
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