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Daily hot meals for soldiers on the northern Israeli border

Daily hot meals for soldiers on the northern Israeli border

Campaign creator
Birkat Margalit - Hessed Olam (580367910)
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Birkat Margarit is a non-profit organization and needs your assistance to help support our soldiers on the northern Israeli border. We provide daily hot meals for 3000+ soldiers that put their lives on the line to protect our home. Love and care is being put into every meal by chefs and volunteers to cook and deliver fresh food every day. 100% of all donations are going into buying the ingredients and our volunteers will do all the legwork! Any amount you can donate will go a long way to ensure that our soldiers get the food they need in this difficult time. Am Yisrael Chai!

Thank you to our {{Donors.donorCount}} donors
{{donor.name}} - {{donor.city}}
{{donor.CountBack}} - {{donor.currency}}{{ManipulateAmount(donor)}} /month
{{donor.name}} - {{donor.city}}
{{donor.CountBack}} - {{donor.currency}}{{ManipulateAmount(donor)}} /month

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Thank you to our {{Donors.donorCount}} donors
{{donor.name}} - {{donor.city}}
{{donor.CountBack}} - {{donor.currency}}{{ManipulateAmount(donor)}} /month
{{donor.name}} - {{donor.city}}
{{donor.CountBack}} - {{donor.currency}}{{ManipulateAmount(donor)}} /month