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All for the national fragile X association in Israel - Do not pass it over !



All for the national fragile X association in Israel - Do not pass it over !

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Campaign creator
Fragile X Syndrome Organization in Israel (580253292)
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  • {{feed.creation_date}}

Fragile X Association in Israel is only composed of volunteer parents who serves families whose children have the genetic disorder.



Fragile X syndrome is the most common syndrome suffer mental but least known ...


A simple blood test, can detect whether a person carrying or sick by syndrome


With your help, we can raise awareness and recognize more the syndrome to help us all, do not pass it over !

Thank you to our {{Donors.donorCount}} donors
{{donor.name}} - {{donor.city}}
{{donor.CountBack}} - {{donor.currency}}{{ManipulateAmount(donor)}} /month
{{donor.name}} - {{donor.city}}
{{donor.CountBack}} - {{donor.currency}}{{ManipulateAmount(donor)}} /month

Support the campaign Fundraisers

Thank you to our {{Donors.donorCount}} donors
{{donor.name}} - {{donor.city}}
{{donor.CountBack}} - {{donor.currency}}{{ManipulateAmount(donor)}} /month
{{donor.name}} - {{donor.city}}
{{donor.CountBack}} - {{donor.currency}}{{ManipulateAmount(donor)}} /month