A Hanukkah Appeal: As we celebrate, our dear friends & loved ones from Kibbutz Ein Hashlosha still need your help. The kibbutz remains largely closed. The kibbutz's families are scattered across Israel and are not home yet. Please share and please contribute to help them rebuild and come back home in 2025! Thank you and chag sameach.
Visit https://www.tiktok.com/@kibbutzeinhashlosha to see the kibbutz's progress & hear the families' stories
פנייה לחנוכה: בזמן שאנו חוגגים את חנוכה, חברינו ויקירינו מקיבוץ עין השלושה עדיין זקוקים לעזרתכם. הקיבוץ נותר סגור ברובו. משפחות הקיבוץ מפוזרות ברחבי הארץ ועדיין לא חוזרים. אנא תרמו כדי שיוכלו לבנות מחדש ולחזור חזק ב-2025
בבקשה שתפו
UPDATE - OCTOBER 2024 - Almost a year later, and most of the families of Kibbutz Ein Hashlosha are still not home!
They are scattered throughout central and southern Israel.
A preliminary "homecoming" walk-through tour on the kibbutz was held just last month, as one step on the road to rebuilding.
Your support is greatly appreciated to help the families, including from Israel, Argentina, and beyond, to help them thrive and have a successful return to Ein Hashlosha.
Keep up-to-date with the kibbutz here: https://www.tiktok.com/@kibbutzeinhashlosha (current activities of the Kibbutz members, stories of survival and courage, and more). One video from a young kibbutz resident is linked below.
@kibbutzeinhashlosha גיבורה של קיבוץ עין השלושה, קורין לוי, בת 4 מספרת על החוויה שהייתה לה בממד בשביעי לאוקטובר. קורין הייתה בממ״ד עם אמא סאנשיין ואחיה תומר בן שנתיים. אבא דור מפקד כיתת כוננות יצא להיפגש עם סבא רמי ז״ל הרבש״ץ של הקיבוץ שנרצח כבר בשעות המוקדמות של הבוקר בשביעי לאוקטובר. הילדים שלנו מתמודדים עם מצבים שלא אמורים להיות מנת חלקם. ילדים צריכים לשחק, לצחוק וללמוד, לא להתמודד עם הפחדים והקשיים שאנחנו חווים.#גיבורה #קיבוץעיןהשלושה #עיןהשלושה ♬ original sound - Kibbutz Ein Hashlosha
***Thank you and Shana Tovah***
Please watch this amazing short video from the Kibbutz members, which they made while living as refugees in Eilat.
Feel the love and warmth of this resilient, strong, and vibrant community!
https://fb.watch/piSwD2xKU9/ - From the children, parents and elderly in Ein Hashlosha - all ages coming together to share a beautiful message of love and hope. (Click link above for video)

Another short video, this one about the Kibbutz itself: https://www.facebook.com/100009297399521/videos/pcb.3638239243162620/356623463439860 (Nov 2023)
Donation to Kibbutz Ein Hashlosha
(for tax-deductible bank transfers, read the 'Donation' paragraph)
Credit cards -
Donations can be transferred with all credit cards (except American Express) by clicking on the 'Donate Now' button. A receipt will be sent to your email after completing that transaction.
Please note - you can choose the payment currency and the percentage of the tip for the website operation.
Tax deductible bank transfers -
For tax-deductible bank transfers, please press here.
When you donate, be sure to mark in the "notes" of the wire the Kibbutz name.
You can also email us at banktransfers@israelgives.org to let us know to which Kibbutz you'd like to allocate the donation.
For additional instructions, click here.
Direct bank transfers -
International bank transfers can be made directly to Kibbutz Ein Hashlosha's bank account, however, a receipt will not be sent for tax-deductible purposes:
Kibbutz Ein Hashlosha
Bank Mercantile Discount Bank LTD (17)
Branch 696
Account 53991992
IBAN IL510176960000053991992
Kibbutz Ein Hashlosha, located in Southern Israel, is home to farmers who raise turkeys and operate a dairy farm. Situated about two miles from the Gaza Strip, its residents frequently seek refuge from rocket attacks in shelters. Despite these challenges, the community's children thrive, and families flourish, with many residents expressing their strong attachment to the community.
On a Saturday morning, the kibbutz faced a brutal attack by dozens of armed terrorists. These terrorists disabled security cameras and set houses on fire, attempting to force the occupants outside for a deadly ambush. Innocent families were targeted by Hamas terrorists, including the elderly, babies, children, women, and men. For many hours, the residents had to fend for themselves. Remarkably, 30 people, consisting of 16 Israeli residents and 14 Thai agricultural workers, hid from the attackers for three days until their rescue on Monday night.
The survivors have been evacuated and remain uncertain about when they can return. In the interim, five courageous residents have temporarily relocated to a nearby military post, with daily military protection provided to continue milking the kibbutz's remaining cows. The community's cows would also suffer without their dedication. The kibbutz's dairy and agricultural operations face severe losses.
The damage inflicted upon the kibbutz's residents, particularly the children, and the devastation to their buildings and infrastructure are incalculable. Kibbutz Ein HaShlosha deeply appreciates any donation to support their recovery and the reconstruction of what was destroyed.
You can read an article about the attack on the kibbutz (“What happened on my kibbutz was apocalyptic”) and an interview with a son whose mother was murdered on the kibbutz while bringing cookies to her grandchildren.
Please consider making a tax-deductible donation. Any amount will be greatly appreciated, and the proceeds from this campaign will be directed to the kibbutz's fund.
Below is the account of one resident, as shared with permission, describing the events that occurred on October 7 in Kibbutz Ein Hashlosha.
"To all who have shown concern and interest, thank you for your ongoing support and assistance during these trying times.
I want to express my gratitude to the heroic fighters who came to our aid and helped us regain control of our homes.
On Saturday, October 7, we hid in the security room where our three children sleep, a place where I've always strived to provide them with a sense of security, knowing that as their parents, we would do everything to keep them safe. I soon realized that this was not just another round of rocket fire. Five hours later, as it became clear that terrorists were freely roaming the kibbutz, my worst fears were realized as they targeted and entered our home.
My children, in those terrifying hours, heard a group of terrorists inside our house, shouting and causing chaos as they ransacked our home. They also witnessed their father, standing in front of the security room door in his underwear, attempting to keep the terrorists out. For hours, my three children and their mother lay in silence, while we engaged in frantic text messages with people around the world. Three hours after the terrorists infiltrated our house, the army finally arrived and stopped a terrorist just outside the security room door.
The outcome was far better than I had ever imagined. I had been mentally preparing to die, ready to defend my entire world as it lay there in silence. In moments of truth, we relied on our imagination, humor, and makeshift tools, as captured in the attached picture taken about half an hour before the army cleared our house. In that image, my daughter is inside the security room wearing night vision glasses, ready to confront the terrorist with what feels like a superhero's laser.

The kibbutz was hastily evacuated in military convoys, and we managed to save some of our dogs. Our numbers are few, and we left with virtually nothing. We are determined to rebuild and restore our community.