1. For a donation recognized by section 46 of income tax returns
2. For our additional crowdfunding Holocaust or Hope on a truck
"Do for the dead and burned for the sake of the sanctity of your name" (Slihot, Rosh Hashana Eve)
The purpose of collecting the funds: 1. To preserve the Jewish heritage regarding the sanctification of Hashem in the most important event in the Second World War - the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (In the name of Prof. Gutman) to distinguish from the political view that pollutes one of the foundations of Judaism "as one man with one heart" And in order to understand spiritual excellence according to our sages, Rabbi Nachman and the greatest writers in the world, a story must be told and we have a chilling one 2. So that the Holocaust and integrity are not forgotten, according to Prof. Israel Gutman, one of the greatest Holocaust researchers in the world who witnessed the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising and Auschwitz 3. Spreading the story of Sarenka, may lead to the discovery of her daughter Maya that "the bird of the sky will carry the voice" 4. Spreading stories of Holocaust survivors that political institutions and museums censor 5. Strengthening The museum we established in Jerusalem "Holocaust or hope with ghetto escape" as an option to commemorate the names of those who perished 6. The concentration of the many articles that testify to the unbelievable story of Sarenka
Three witnesses testifying to Sarenka unbelievable story - 1. Aliza Vitis Shomron 2. Prof. Israel Gutman 3. Prof. Matityahu Mintz Apart from books starting in 1946 that tell the story as well as the monument at Milla 18, in Warsaw that has her name engraved with the names of 50 fighters - Rachel Zilberberg
The "Top Mitzva" that accompanies the site is: the redemption of captives of Maya, who was sacrificed for all Israel and we know that she was kidnapped, the importance of the mitzva of redemption of captives can be learned from the following lines:
Shulhan Aruch Yore Deah רנ"ב: Redemption of captives is eight mitzvahs in one mitzvah according to the Rambam: Redeeming captives precedes providing for the poor and covering them, and you have no mitzva like redeeming captives, because the captive is actually the hungry and the thirsty, including the naked, and stands in danger of lives and raises his eyes from his ransom. 1. After all, this goes over "Dont strain your heart" 2. "And dont throw up your hands" 3. And "Dont stand on the blood of your friend" 4. And "We shall not come down with difficulty before your eyes" 5. And cancel the mitzva "Open the hand into him" 6. And mitzvas "And your brother shall live with you" 7. "Love your friend as yourself" 8. "And the shadow is taken to die" and many such things. And you do not have a great mitzva like redeeming captives. Rambam, gifts to the poor are the source of the mitzvah. God also redeemed the people of Israel when they were captives in Egypt.

Mishpacha Magazine, Written by Israel Peled.
Translation: Following the lost cousin The censored story of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising | Letters from the red box | On a beautiful day, a Tel Aviv warrior for justice went up to the attic of his elderly fathers apartment and found a treasure; A red tin box that contained original photographs that revealed who really initiated the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, who covered his ears and who tried with crutches to obscure the dramatic episode in the history of the Jewish people.Ofer Aloni, the nephew of the censored heroine from the ghetto, on a cross-continental journey following the silencing The real heroes and the cousin whose traces disappeared | The real story.
For many more articles
Finding Maya, the Kidnapped Girl
In January 1942, one year old Maya was sent to an orphanage for abandoned children. She was later kidnapped while being known under the name Jadwiga Sugak (according to Shmaltzovnick book, Maya was kidnapped by a goy named Yatzk), In order for Sarenka, her mother, to return to the Ghetto of Warsaw as a first eyewitness to the horrors of the murder of every Jewish person from Vilna and also perform the first civil revolt in the world against the Nazis - the revolt of Ghetto Warshaw, the inspiration for worldwide Democracy, for Martin Luther King, to teenage rebellions and to the establishment of the state of Israel. And hence the importance of recognising the good of Sarenka sacrifice.
In the picture above: Ofer (named after Sarenka – Ofra in Polish) points at his aunt (Sarenka) and uncle (Maya), at the Monument to the Ghetto Heroes in Warsaw. “it’s unavoidable to reach the conclusion, that one of the two main characters of the monument is Rachel Leah "Sarenka"… She holds a baby (Maya) and sacrifices it for god, and perhaps for the uprising and the hope” (Dr Ori Milshtein , Maariv Supplement 2019) “In January 1942 Sarenka entered Warsaw Ghetto, with two missions: telling the residents of the Ghetto what happened in front of her eyes in Ponary (where Jews were slaughtered systematically) and to awaken and motivate the uprising against the Nazis from the Ghetto” (Ofer Aderet, Haaretz Supplement) “Sarenka is Poland’s Joan of Arc (Warsaw newspaper “POLSKA”) “Nowadays Ofer is searching for partners who want to shred some light on the topic, in Lectures, a book, a movie, an exhibition and a museum about “the uprising of the heart’s people against the mind’s people – the Nazis”” (family hangout magazine)

It lay like a stone unturned for 69 years, a historical treasure of personal-social value: a code2hope, preserved in a worn, tin box, red as the world’s flush of shame, from the WWII period, and found in Tel Aviv in February 2012. What did the treasure consist of? Chilling letters and photographs linked to hope, the foundation of our existence - “for a person without hope is likened to the dead”. The person who found this treasure is an author and artistic creator who has been consciously promoting HOPE for over a decade. He is Ofer, named for his aunt, Ofra, or Sarenka in Polish, which means “young deer”, the same Sarenka who wrote to Ofer’s mother (her sister) and whose image is captured on a rare and unique photograph. A renowned symbol of Holocaust heritage: the memorial sculpture in Warsaw by Nathan Rapoport, carved into the very stone that Adolf Hitler planned to use for his own victory commemorative. In front: Mordechai Anilewicz. Behind him, a woman looking at the infant she holds. Is this none other than Sarenka, my aunt after whom I am named? Was she the sculptor’s inspiration, together with Mordechai Anilewicz, Commander of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising? The letters and photo brought to light how the group was actually focused around the young woman, Sarenka, the real spirit behind the Uprising. Her letters reveal she gave birth to a daughter, Maya, who was handed over to the care of others and has still not been found. What I know about Maya is that she was born on 20 February 1941 in Vilna, to Moshe Kopito and Rachel Sarenka Zylberberg. In January 1942, Sarenka decides to place Maya with others so that she can rejoin her peers in the Warsaw Ghetto. Sarenka comes from Vilna to the Warsaw Ghetto with two tidings - first she describes the systematic genocide in Vilna, then she announces a decision: to rebel against the Nazis. Sarenka placed her baby with another woman, a communist doctor working in an orphanage in Vilna, changing Maya’s name to Yodviga Sogak. Since then no trace of Maya has been found.
Professor Israel Guttman translates a letter written by Sarenka, the rouser of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, to my mother Ruth. It relates the birth of Sarenka’s daughter Maya, who we now seek wherever she may be in the world.
"Dear Ruth, Our daughter was born on 22th February, that is, one month after you traveled. What a shame you couldn’t stay to see her. She’s delightful, and so sweet I could just die. This very day, she is exactly two weeks old. That makes her a big girl, right? Her name is Maya. Do you like the name? She’s sleeping now, but at night she makes her appearance in the form of concerts, and there’s no sleeping! Just imagine – I didn’t scream at all during the birth. Truly, not even once. Our little girl is just too sweet for words. Ktana says she’s never seen a new-born girl who is so beautiful. Im still weak and hardly able to eat, even though I have to be well fed. I see Ive gone off with all kinds of things in this letter. I need to end, the baby is waking. Be well and write quickly and as much as you possibly can, and don’t forget also to give regards from me to everyone. Regards from Moshe and our wee Maya."

Captive Redemption, eight commandments in one | A letter of friendship and recognition
“it is important to recognize Ofer Aloni for his important project of commemoration unknown sides of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, “Shoah or hope mini museum with an escape ghetto” that he setup, which I visited and it’s an unforgettable experience. I highly recommend visiting it. Moreover, the case of Rachel Lea “Sarenka” zilberberg kopito’s (his aunt) bravery, which is revealed to the public thanks to Ofer Aloni’s efforts awakens us for acknowledging with gratitude to that brave woman, at a heavy price of a personal victim, as a mother that sacrificed her daughter Maya and herself, for the entirety of Israel. Nowdays Ofer is searching for Maya, which is a Captive redemption analysis. Rachel Leah Sarenka blessed the sky’s name and raised Israel’s beam in the days of darkness – the Holocaust.”
Rabbi Ori Sharki, chairman of the world’s treaty - a senior lecturer at Meir Institute

Photograph of a general view of the "Story Board Of Hope", in the Rampel offices, because the assimilation of hope is necessary for personal and social existence

Name of Painting: Genasis | An original Painting by Ofer Aloni, from the series "Everything is Predictable and the Authority is Given - the Chaos on a Mathematical Background" (131*43cm)

Name of Painting: Creation, Making and Activity.

Name of Painting: Mental Ghetto What is a mental ghetto? The genius from Vilna claimed that the entire Torah was given only to correct the measurements, how do we correct them and ourself: 1. If we dont see ourselves (in the mirror we see the opposite) 2. We dont hear ourselves (we dont recognize our voice in the recording) 3. And we dont smell ourselves? So how do we fix ourselves? Hint: "Make yourself a rabbi and buy yourself a friend"

Name of Painting: The wall that starts the youth uprise from the French Revolution on the left to the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising on the right

Name of Painting: Binding

Name of Painting: "Make a hutch for the ark" (Parashat Noah)

Name of Painting: The story of Sarenkas return to the Warsaw Ghetto in january 42, on the right in the spiral the forces of light and on the left in the spiral the forces of darkness

Name of Painting: The story of Sarenkas return to the Warsaw Ghetto in january 42, on the right in the spiral the forces of light and on the left in the spiral the forces of darkness

Name of Painting: A horse and its rider level in the sea | he name of the painting: Something about the degree of pride and a lot about life... According to "A horse and its rider level in the sea" (Song of the Sea) Adds pride to his pride and gives him another level to increase his fall from high Place to the buttom (according to the precious vessel) God he mounted the Egyptian - a symbol of pride on the horse - which represents pride and this mixture he shot to the proudest place that can be described... and from there he crushed them, a parable of a king who wanted to knock down a villager, but his fall from his position would not hurt, what did the king do to him? Raised the villager to the rank of a respected minister and from there he was dropped..

Name of Painting: Does King David Live? A storyboard presenting King Davids "four states of matter" from right to left 1. A shepherd – for growth can only come from below 2. Brave – defying all logic when he faces Goliath 3. Human, a poet – for writing Psalms with the blood of his hear 4. A Melekh (king) – the anagram of the Hebrew word spells Kulam (all) the king who gathered all in his big heart and not around narrow rationalism (The numbers in the picture are for illustration only)

On the recommendation of Professor Israel Gutman: Professor Israel Gutman to Ofer Sarenka Aloni "I dont need to teach you"

code2hope movie

Name of Painting: 1. A new light from Zion will shine

Name of Painting: From the east sun until his arrival

3. A Torah verse combined with a painting for the Parashat Hashavua for the distribution of the guests in the example: a painting for Parshat Bo that was distributed at a Bar Mitzvah to about 350 guests as a memento of gratitude for their participation

The monument for the uprise in warsaw - Another proof of the truth of the amzaing story of Rachel Leah Sarenka, Ofer Named after Sarneka is closing a circle, by the monumate (Bigger on the left) of the 51 superheroes who uprised against the Nazis for the first time, in a civil and in the excellent arrow of his aunt whose nickanme was Sarenka - Ofra in Polish and Ofra named after her...Milla 18, Warsaw. Attached here is a list of the superheroes whose names are engraved on the monument in Warsaw: 1. Chaim Akerman 2. Malka Akerman 3. Mordechai Anielewicz 4. Nate Barmester 5. Haniek Bartowicz 6. Franka Berman 7. Tasia Berman 8. Icchak Blaustein 9. Melach Blones 10. Berl Brauda 11. Icchak Chadasz 12. Nesya Cukier 13. Icchak Dembinsky 14. Josef Fass 15. Efraim Fondaminski 16. Towa Frankel 17. Emus Frojnd 18. Mira Fuchrer 19. Wolf Gold 20. Miriam Hajnsdorf 21. Aron Halzband 22. Rut Hejman 23 Mira Izbicka 24. Salka Kamien 25. Ziuta Klejnman 26. Jaffa Lewender 27. Lolek 28. Sewek Nulman 29. Abraham Orwacz 30. Rywka Pasamonik 31. Majloch Perelman 32. Aron Rajzband 33. Lutek Rotbiat 34. Miriam Rotbiat 35. Jardena Rozenberg 36. Salka 37. Jerzy Sarnak 38. Szmuel Sobol 39. Basia Sylman 40. Szyja Szpancer 41. Moniek Sztengel 42. Szulamit Szuszkowska 43. Mojsze Waksfeld 44. Olek Wartowicz 45. Icchak Wichter 46. Arie Wilner 47. Zeew Wortmai 48. Hirsz Wronski 49. Rachel (Sarenka) Zilberberg 50. Moszek Zylbersztajn 51. Sara Zagiel

The monument for the memory of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising in New York - the inspiration for nowdays democracy in the world by the fact that it was the first civil uprising in the world against the Nazis. The monument located in Riverside Park, New York. (near 83rd Street). Martin Luther King also learned from this uprise - "those who remain silent collaborate with evil" On the monument it is written: "This is the site for the american memorial to the heroes of the warsaw ghetto battle April - May 1943 and to the six millions jews of europe martyred in the cause of humen liberty". With all due respect to the US government and the municipality of New York, the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising monument has no meaning, without engraving and noting the names of those who fell for the ideal that at the time was rare - the uprise against the Nazis, therefore I am leaving here with a call to the municipality of New York City to enact the 51 names of the fighters whose names are engraved in Milla 18 Warsaw - Headquarters Bunker, please perform this holy work for our sake and for the sake of future generations, because a stone without content has no value, Ofer named after Sarenka.