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Different Art



Different Art

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Campaign creator
Akim-Jerusalem, Association for the Rehabilitation of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities (580015519)
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When asked what his profession is, Shlomo Katz, a resident of Bet Julia at AKIM-Jerusalem proudly responds that he's an artist. Shlomo is one of 15 artists at AKIM-Jerusalem who have participated in a weekly art workshop since 2001. The artists create as a group and have displayed their works at 13 diffrent art exhibits in Jerusalem and around the world.

People with disabilities have dreams, hopes, and feelings just like everyone else. While verbal expression can be difficult, through artistic means, these individuals can paint and draw what their words cannot say.

AKIM-Jerusalem places great emphasis on its art program. Art helps to improve the participant's communication with themselves, their peers and their surroundings. Additionally, art emboldens their self-esteem and helps them to feel pride in their works and themselves.

The art workshop at AKIM-Jerusalem is supported by philanthropic donations.

AKIM-Jerusalem needs your help to continue this important service! Your generous support is greatly appreciated. 

Thank you,

Efrat Wagner

Director of Resource Development and External Affairs

Thank you to our {{Donors.donorCount}} donors
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Thank you to our {{Donors.donorCount}} donors
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