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Ban Live Export



Ban Live Export

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Campaign creator
Freedom for Animals (580631331)
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Animals are NOT freight!

For nearly five years now, Israel Against Live Shipments has lead a campaign against live shipments, and it is time to get to the finish line.

The majority of the public is opposed to the live animal imports.

Hundreds of legal counsels oppose live animal imports.

Dozens of rabbis are against this cruel practice.

Live imports are a cruel practice in which animals destined for food are sent live on ships and planes from distant countries to be slaughtered in Israel.

Who we are?
Israel against live shipments, is an organization that was established with the goal of abolishing live imports.

What are live imports?
The live imports arrive to Israel via sea from Australia and Europe on long journeys and under shockingly cruel conditions.

The young calves and lambs are exposed to severe violence, as has been documented at each step of the journey, until they meet the knife in the slaughterhouses.

They are loaded onto trucks in the target countries, from where they are transported to ships for a long voyage. A trip from Australia to Eilat takes almost three weeks!

More than once, there are mishaps during the journey, which increases suffering to the victims.

During the voyage, the victims lie in their own's and their friends' fecess due to high density. When they arrive in Israel, they are again forcibly transferred to trucks, and from there they are taken to the quarantines where they are once again subjected to violent offloading, then again to feedlots or slaughterhouses, each with another set of violent and awful conditions, until their cruel death.

Animals are not assets and these transports are causing them great cruelty, they are separated from their families, there is deliberate violence, awful conditions, extreme weather changes, overcrowding and stress. All of this for a piece of "fresh meat".

Israel "imports" more than 500,000 animals a year, and this horrific figure only rises from year to year. This year the number is expected to rise to 700,000!
Animals are not freight, Animals are not assets! We hereby call upon all concerned to abolish this despicable and violent trader!

Help us on this campaign through a donation which will enable us to increase our actions on several fronts:
    1. Vigils and Documentation of animals at arrival
    2. Promoting legislation and increase our involvement in parliamentary activity
    3. Raising awareness of the public
    4. Protests and representations

Many thanks...in the name of the many victims of this awful trade!

Thank you to our {{Donors.donorCount}} donors
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Support the campaign Fundraisers

Thank you to our {{Donors.donorCount}} donors
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