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0 supporters donating ₪0 every month


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₪2 total raised
0 supporters donating ₪0 every month
Hire Israeli talent and strengthen Israel’s economy
By Hire Israel, benefiting IsraelToremet Ltd. (514228766)
  • {{feed.creation_date}}


Normally, Israel is the home of 9.2 Million citizens, out of which approximatey a third work. Many of the workers are owners or employees of small and medium-sized businesses: around 700,000 such businesses drive over half of Israel's GDP.


Israel's economic situation was already in decline before October 7th, a trend that has only been exacerbated since. The nation has undergone significant transformation due to the conflict: the toll includes 1,144 civilian and military fatalities, approximately 2,000 injured, and 129 individuals who are still captive. Tragically, 11 of those kidnapped have been killed by Hamas.


The conflict necessitated the drafting of over 300,000 reserve soldiers, resulting in 164 military deaths and 12,548 injuries among soldiers and civilians alike. Additionally, over 130,000 residents from northern and southern regions were displaced from their homes. Current estimates indicate that 760,000 individuals are jobless, and about 30,000 businesses are on the brink of closure.


The Birth of HireIsrael

Being also business owners who felt firsthand the freeze in new projects, we decided to bring up a non-profit initiative - - with the goal of strengthening the Israeli economy by connecting Israeli freelancers and SMBs with employers from the USA.


Thank you to our {{Donors.list.length}} supporters

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